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Esej o Londýne


Ahojte bola by som veľmi rada, keby sa našiel niekto ochotný a skontroloval mi gramatické, prípadne štylistické chyby v mojej eseji o Londýne. Thank you very much  

The London is capital city od the United Kingdom and it is situated on the River Thames in south-east England. It is also one of the biggest cities of the world with a lot of historical buildings, like for example churches, cathedrals, monuments and so on.

The historic heart of London is called “The City of London”. It was a part of the Roman Empire and many of the irregular streets still follow the ancient Roman roads. The “star” here is the majestic St. Paul´s Cathedral, which was built in the 17th century by Sir Christopher Wren, after the Great Fire had destroyed the existing cathedral. Christopher Wren built also five other churches in the City of London. Other interesting place which I would like to visit is the Museum of London. We can see there exhibitions with different periods in the history of London – Saxon, Medieval, Stuart and other – and on important events such as devasting fire of 1666. The Monument of Great Fire of London is also there where you have a great view over the City.

Well, the Tower of London is also interesting place which is worth to see. It is a historic castle in central London and it was built by William Conqueror in 1078. The castle was used s a prison from 1100 until 1952. Maybe interesting information about it is that the two wives of Henry VIII. was executed here: Anne Boylen and Catherine Horward.

  • prvá časť eseje dakujem veľmi pekne

V úvodní věte máte London se členem, pak už je ale dále dobře, bez členu.

Well, the Tower of London is also an interesting place which is worth to see.

The castle was used as a prison from 1100 until 1952., zřejmě jen překlep.

Jen takové drobnosti co jsem si všiml, jinak hezky napsaná Esej.

Another interesting place which…

Don't start a sentence with “Well,” – that's generally only something you do when speaking, not writing. 


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