Help for English

would have to have been VS would have had to be


Já se toto neučím, ale celkem mě to “děsí”. Mohu o sobě říci , že umím angličtinu, když toto neovládám? :D Příšerný konstrukce (rac)8-O

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Ritter vložený před 9 lety

Já se toto neučím, ale celkem mě to “děsí”. Mohu o sobě říci , že umím angličtinu, když toto neovládám? :D Příšerný konstrukce (rac)8-O

Angličtina je komplexnější, nedá se přece z jedné úzké části gramatiky usuzovat, zda anglicky umíte nebo ne. Myslím, že “stačí”, když tomu ve čteném/poslouchaném textu rozumíte.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od dezorz vložený před 13 lety
The pirates would have had to know who to go to.
We would have had to lay off 50,000 more people had we not had the federal stimulus funds
Otherwise, the passenger would have had to check it at the gate, and possibly delay the flight.

- The only thing you would have to have done is have the straps taken off.
- If she had fired the gun, it would have been an unnatural way that she would have to have held the gun.
- For Earth to get all of its water from comets, their combined mass would have to have been equivalent to 30 Jupiters – and planetary scientists agree that amount is much too high.
- In the case of the Texas loan, his Social Security number would have to have been issued long before the crooks were born, according to the dates of birth used on their credit applications.

- the friend would have had to have been there almost at the same time the killer was.
- Nor did it apparently occur to them that in order for Beverly to have amassed 12,729 reviews she would have had to have read an average of 6.9 books a day.
- I realized for the first time the sheer terror that she would have had to have felt, because there was no escape.
- It confirmed that there were some cell phone calls made from Columbus when he would have had to have been in Bakersfield or on his way to Bakersfield.

Jaky by byl, prosím, rozdíl mezi :

It confirmed that there were some cell phone calls made from Columbus when he would have had to have been /to be in Bakersfield.....

Byl by nějaký? Asi musí , že ?


Ještě jeden detail – neposouvalo by to ono to have been ještě více do minulosti – ještě o jeden stupínek? Přijde mi to zde zbytečně až nesprávné – tedy, to be bych upřednostnil.

Vím, že samotné konstrukce moc neupotřebím, ale jde mi spíše o to jak fungují infinitivy.8-)


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