Dobrý den, mám problém s překladem těchto vět, mohl by mi někdo prosím pomoct?
A hand-written note was attached to the cash reading – Ručně psaná pozdnámka byla přiložená k hotovosti čtení ???
Tuscaloosa, situated in the western part of Alabana state, was devastated by a tornado that hit the area a few months ago. – Tuscaloosa situovaná v západní části Alabany byla devastovaná tornádem které udeřilo oblast před pár měsíci
Kontext: A plastic shopping back with $130,000 in it was found on Thursday in a toilet for handicapped people in the city hall of Montgomery. The city will send the money to the Red Cross if the anymous donor doesn't ask for it back within three months. A hand-written note was attached to the cash reading: " I'm old and alone with no children so please let the people in Tuscaloosa use it " Tuscaloosa, situated in the western part of Alabana state, was devastated by a tornado that hit the area a few months ago.
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