Help for English

Favourite English web page


I like this web page:…
because there are a lot of interesting audio stories on the web.

I like pages that contain list of english-speaking world-news internet radios broadcasting from around the world, etc. England, Canada, USA, Australia… Becouse of them we can find different accent from different countries

I like English websites with podcasts, for example such as Listen to English, where I can practise my listening abilities.
I also visit some English speaking forums which are focused on music. – there are perfect recipes on this web.

I like these cute links: and…yscomic.html.
There is a new stripe each day on that pages, which motivates me to start every morning with a fresh and funny, though just a brief, english lesson.

I would like to add some other links to English websites for learning English language that I have discovered recently. They became my favorites almost immediately.

Ello – English listening online – Free online English lessons

I'm boring :-D Unless very busy I open theguardian and every day, skim the news and peep into the Lifestyle section 8-)


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