Help for English

Časová souslednost



jde mi o časovou souslednost v následujícím souvětí. Můžete mi prosím někdo poradit, jaká je správná možnost?

Yesterday I reached out to Mr. Jackson to ask him whether he can / could confirm that the payment was made / had been made in respect of invoices XY.

Děkuji za případnou pomoc!

could and had been

Thanks a bunch, Richard! :)

What if I change the tense in the main clause from the past simple to the present perfect like this:

I have just reached out to Mr. Jackson to ask him whether he can / could confirm that the payment was made / had been made in respect of invoices XY.

Does it affect the tenses in the following subordinate clauses as well?

You're welcome Radim. can and has been

I contacted Mr Jackson yesterday so I could ask him if he had paid the invoice. I have contacted Mr Jackson to ask if he has paid…

Since Mr Jackson hasn't been in contact, I have emailed him. Because Mr Jackson hadn't paid his invoice, I called him yesterday.


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