Help for English

spojka LEST + subjunctive


na wiki se píše: The word lest is always followed by the subjunctive mood, usually in either the present or future tense.


ale v Oxfordu není v příkladové větě subjunctive…english/lest?…

She was afraid lest she had revealed too much.

“Lest she had revealed” is the past subjunctive, whose form is the same as the past indicative for all verbs except the past tense of the verb to be in the first- and third-person singular – lest I were, lest he were. See lest (H4E).

In any case, “lest” is formal/literary and you don't need to use it at all.

She was afraid lest she had revealed too much is expressed equally well by any of the following:

  • = She was afraid in case she had revealed too much
  • = She was afraid (that) she might have revealed too much
  • = She was afraid (that) she may have revealed too much.

dík za reakci, ale:

had revealed není min. konjuktiv, ale předminulý čas. Správně s použitím min. konjunktivu by to bylo takto: She was afraid lest she had revealed too much.

Takže podle mě za LEST nemusí být vždy konjunktiv. A našel sem i na fórech věty bez konjunktivu:

Businesses are worried lest pushing things too fast leads to the adoption of quotas for women and minorities. (zdroj: The Economist)

Obviously he was worried lest they may have sustained some damage by coming into contact with my nasty hard ribs.


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