Souhlasím se swimmerem a s Boffinem: …will better be able (will be
better able, will be more able) to create … and will know… je jediná
možná varianta, pokud chcete použít “be able” a “know”. Proč?
Protože jsou to slovesa (v daném kontextu) stavová, a
nemohou tudiž popisovat již dokončený děj.
Předbudoucí čas tedy používáme pro děje a činnosti, které
budou v nějaký okamžik v budoucnosti již dokončené. Prostě:
tou dobou už to bude hotové. (HFE)
V ten okamžik, pořád budou moct klást otázky, pořád rozeznají
Když použijete slovesa dynamická, u kterých děj může
být dokončený, tak předbudoucí je nutný.
- By the end of the lesson, the learners will have
been better able to create questions with the verb ‚‚to be‘‘ and
will have known the difference …
- By the end of the lesson, the learners will be better
able to create questions with the verb ‚‚to be‘‘ and will know the difference …
- By the end of the lesson, the learners will have
acquired a better ability to create questions with the verb ‚‚to
be‘‘ and will have grasped the
difference …
- By the end of the lesson, the learners will
acquire a better ability to create questions with the verb ‚‚to
be‘‘ and will grasp the difference …
But of course – aby nebyla nuda –
some verbs such as realise or understand can express both a
stative and a dynamic sense:
- By the end of the lesson, the learners will be better
able to create questions with the verb ‚‚to be‘‘ and will understand/realise the difference … (= stav)
- By the end of the lesson, the learners will have
acquired a better ability to create questions with the verb ‚‚to
be‘‘ and will have understood/realised the
difference … (= děj)