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Slovíčko CHARGE

Komentáře k článku: Slovíčko CHARGE


zdravím, aky je rozdiel medzi charger a recharger? nabiječka a dobíječka? ďakujem

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od TK1991 vložený před 8 lety

zdravím, aky je rozdiel medzi charger a recharger? nabiječka a dobíječka? ďakujem

Stejně jako v češtině není žádný. CHARGER se používá mnohem častěji.

Díky za článek! Lze říct: I am in charge of my grandchildren now_

Lze říct: I am in charge of my grandchildren now.

Dnes nemůžu, hlídám. I can't make it today, I'm child-minding.

Záleží na tom, co chcete říct: hlídat (look after, mind /majnd/), nebo mít na odpovědnosti/sta­rosti (be in charge of, be responsible for):

Když jsem sama v Ostravě, hlídám vnoučata, občas si vyjdu s kamarádkami, …

  • … I look after my/the grandchilden, I mind my/the grandchildren, I am in charge of my/the grandchildren

Děti mám na starosti já a jsou skvělé a bezprostřední.

  • I'm in charge of the children, I look after the children, I mind the children
Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 6 lety

Lze říct: I am in charge of my grandchildren now.

Dnes nemůžu, hlídám. I can't make it today, I'm child-minding.

Záleží na tom, co chcete říct: hlídat (look after, mind /majnd/), nebo mít na odpovědnosti/sta­rosti (be in charge of, be responsible for):

Když jsem sama v Ostravě, hlídám vnoučata, občas si vyjdu s kamarádkami, …

  • … I look after my/the grandchilden, I mind my/the grandchildren, I am in charge of my/the grandchildren

Děti mám na starosti já a jsou skvělé a bezprostřední.

  • I'm in charge of the children, I look after the children, I mind the children

Případně ještě “I'm watching the kids today”, nemýlím-li se.

Zrovna na CNN čtu reportáž s titulkem „White father and son charged for chasing and shooting at Black FedEx driver“.

Proč je tu předložka „for“ a ne „with“?


“Charged with” + name of the crime or a clearly recognisable criminal offence, so charged with murder, with manslaughter, with grievous bodily harm, with stalking, with hate crime.

“Charged for” doing something bad that falls into the category of a crime, but is not, in itself, the name of a crime or a clearly recognisable criminal offence.

There's no crime or clearly recognisable criminal offence called “chasing and shooting” or “chasing and shooting at a Black FedEx driver“. The crime might be "attempted manslaughter” (or whatever).

See the Ngram: “Manslaughter” is the name of the crime, or a clearly recognisable criminal offence, so “charged with” is appropriate.

In the following example, there is no crime called “dropping a boy into a latrine”. He was “charged for” doing that, and was “charged with” child abuse – the name of the crime:

South Africa headmaster charged for dropping boy into latrine

A SCHOOL headmaster in South Africa has been charged with child abuse after lowering an 11-year-old student into a pit latrine to search for the official’s ce­llphone, according to local news reports.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 3 lety

“Charged with” + name of the crime or a clearly recognisable criminal offence, so charged with murder, with manslaughter, with grievous bodily harm, with stalking, with hate crime.

“Charged for” doing something bad that falls into the category of a crime, but is not, in itself, the name of a crime or a clearly recognisable criminal offence.

There's no crime or clearly recognisable criminal offence called “chasing and shooting” or “chasing and shooting at a Black FedEx driver“. The crime might be "attempted manslaughter” (or whatever).

See the Ngram: “Manslaughter” is the name of the crime, or a clearly recognisable criminal offence, so “charged with” is appropriate.

In the following example, there is no crime called “dropping a boy into a latrine”. He was “charged for” doing that, and was “charged with” child abuse – the name of the crime:

South Africa headmaster charged for dropping boy into latrine

A SCHOOL headmaster in South Africa has been charged with child abuse after lowering an 11-year-old student into a pit latrine to search for the official’s ce­llphone, according to local news reports.

Díky, Dane. A co věta „They were charged with organizing an illegal demonstration.“ Neměla by tu twké spíše být předložka „for“?

Nemáme kontext, je ale docela možné, že “organising an illegal demonstration” je (víceméně) název trestného činu. Viz další Ngram.


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