Help for English

Were you missing me ?


Dobrý den , prosím v jakém případě bych mohla použít were you missing me ? Jde mi třeba o příklad věty nebo o situaci , kdy to lze použít Děkuji .

Chýbal/a som Ti ? (=Bolo ti smutno za mnou?)

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od AdrianaXXX vložený před 4 lety

Chýbal/a som Ti ? (=Bolo ti smutno za mnou?)

Překlad chápu mě šlo spíš o to kdy použít tohle místo Did you miss me ?

The progressive/con­tinuous form “was [VERB]ing” is usually used to show that the action continued over an extended period of time, e.g. yesterday evening I was reading or that one action was in progress when something else happened or was happening, e.g. I was cleaning the windows when my phone rang.

However the verb miss (in the sense stýskat se komu po kom/čem) is by its very nature a durative/extended state, so the past simple stýskalo se mi po tobě / chyběl(a) jsi mi – I missed you already has the same sense as I was missing you. Therefore we don't see any reason to use the past progressive/con­tinuous with that particular verb, though it's not wrong to do so.

  • A: Did you realise it was nearly midnight when you phoned me yesterday? Why did you ring so late?
  • B: I was missing you nebo I missed you. (There's no difference in meaning, but I missed you is more likely.)

There are lots of examples in context on Google.

Jen doplním – máme tu i článek MISS, MISSED, MISSING.

Děkuji za odpovědi


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