Help for English

pretty good: better than good or good enough?


V článku ohledně QUITE je zajímavá zmínka o downtoners, a příklad:

He's a pretty good guitar player. Je to poměrně dobrej kytarista.

Čili je vcelku dobrý, ale není to žádná bomba.

Ale co jsem četl někde jinde, tak významy mohou být dva (nepodařilo se mi najít ten původní, ale níže kopíruji vysvětlení, co jsem našel jinde):

  • Understatement. We may say “pretty good,” when actually the thing is quite great, really, but we don’t wish to overdo the fulsomeness of praise and be taken as trivial. In this case, pretty good may be a good deal better than just good.
  • Plain and simple, mild praise. Used to convey somewhat good, fairly good, mildly good. Pretty good – not excellent.

Tedy oba významy jsou značně rozdílné. Je to skutečně tak?

Yes. Pretty good can mean “very” (“… fakt dobrej …”) or “fairly” (dost dobrý) but in the written word you can't tell what the intended meaning is from these two words alone or even from the sentence. You can only tell from the context, so:

A: I didn't think much of the guitarist. B: Oh really? I thought he was pretty good (docela dobrý).

His guitar-playing is pretty good (není špatné), but he needs to practice the difficult chords a bit more.

In a spoken utterance, the intonation would be an important clue to the intended sense.


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