Help for English

a third as much, half as much, half less


Dobrý den,

poněkud bojuji s termíny a third as much/half as much, apod. Jak řeknu stojí to třetinu/o třetinu méně/o třetinu více, apod.?

Mám větu v článku: “The off-brands cost a third as much or even half as much.”

Znamená to, že stojí třetinu (polovinu) nebo o třetinu, resp. o polovinu méně?

Bez této věty tomu rozumím takto:

a third as much = třetina a third less = o třetinu méně

V této větě mi to ale mi ale nesedí obrat…even half as much.

Další věc je – více. Četla jsem, že když chci říci o polovinu více, musím použít “half again as much”.

Uděláte mi v tom, prosím, jasno? :)

Děkuji! Dáša

Dobrý den, máte pravdu: citovaná věta je matoucí práve z toho důvodu, který jste uvedla – tedy slovíčko “even”. Takovou větu by (snad ;-) ) nemohl napsat rodilec (který by měl všech pět pohromadě).

Hello, you're right: the quoted sentence is confusing for exactly the reason you stated – the word “even”. I rather doubt that a native (English) speaker (who's [= who has] got his head screwed on properly) could have written it.

  • 1 The off-brands cost a third as much or even half as much. ??? – nemá smysl :-((
  • 2 The off-brands cost as third as much (Kč 33) or maybe (just) half as much (Kč 50) [as branded items (Kč 100)].
  • 3 The off-brands cost a third less (Kč 66) or even (just) half as much (Kč 50) [as branded items (Kč 100)].
  • 3.1 The off-brands cost a third less (Kč 66) or (even) only half as much (Kč 50) [as branded items (Kč 100)].
  • 3.2 The off-brands cost a third less (Kč 66) or just half as much (Kč 50) [as branded items (Kč 100)].
  • 4 This item cost me Kč 150 online – that's half as much again as I paid for it in the bricks-and-mortar (v kamenném) shop. [The word again carries the main stress in this phrase. And note: half again as much, half as much again]


Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 4 lety

Dobrý den, máte pravdu: citovaná věta je matoucí práve z toho důvodu, který jste uvedla – tedy slovíčko “even”. Takovou větu by (snad ;-) ) nemohl napsat rodilec (který by měl všech pět pohromadě).

Hello, you're right: the quoted sentence is confusing for exactly the reason you stated – the word “even”. I rather doubt that a native (English) speaker (who's [= who has] got his head screwed on properly) could have written it.

  • 1 The off-brands cost a third as much or even half as much. ??? – nemá smysl :-((
  • 2 The off-brands cost as third as much (Kč 33) or maybe (just) half as much (Kč 50) [as branded items (Kč 100)].
  • 3 The off-brands cost a third less (Kč 66) or even (just) half as much (Kč 50) [as branded items (Kč 100)].
  • 3.1 The off-brands cost a third less (Kč 66) or (even) only half as much (Kč 50) [as branded items (Kč 100)].
  • 3.2 The off-brands cost a third less (Kč 66) or just half as much (Kč 50) [as branded items (Kč 100)].
  • 4 This item cost me Kč 150 online – that's half as much again as I paid for it in the bricks-and-mortar (v kamenném) shop. [The word again carries the main stress in this phrase. And note: half again as much, half as much again]


Děkuji za podrobnou odpověď. Psal to rodilec :)


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