Help for English

O jaký typ kočárku jde?



opět se na vás musím obracet (snad pak už dlouhou dobu nebudu muset)…

Nemohu přijít na to, v tomto kontextu jde o hluboký kočárek, nebo o kombinovaný kočárek…

“When it comes to those first outings with baby, you may find that a lightweight universal stroller frame that lets you snap in your own infant car seat is the best (and cheapest) bet for now (and the next few months). This buys you time to check out the other stroller options…”

Proč s tím je problém? Hluboký kočárek zpravidla nemá adaptér na autosedačku. Autosedačku lze dát do kombinovaného kočárku, jenže ten je určen pro všechny věkové kategorie dítětě (cca do tří let), takže by nedávaly logiku ty věty “best bet for now (and the next few months)” a “This buys you time to check out the other stroller options”

Pro shrnutí uvádím fakta o daném kočárku:

  • Co nejlevnější
  • Možnost připevnit autosedačku
  • Lehký, skladný, univerzální
  • Pro nejmenší děti (do 6 měsíců)

Sportovní kočárek ani golfový pak nepřipadá v úvahu, tedy alespoň myslím.

Děkuji za odpověď

The source page (here) advertises exactly the type of 3-in-1 (AmE) “stroller” [BrE “pushchair”, “(baby) buggy”)] they're referring to, and the link on that page at “stroller options” discusses the different types available.

Some buggies with a detachable seat that can be used in a car may not be robust enough for older (and therefore heavier) children, or they may not be comfortable enough, or they may not be “showy” enough. Many parents only “want the best” for their sprogs and won't want to appear “too poor” to wheel them around in a more luxurious model. So to start with, they'll get a lightweight model that doubles up as a car seat, and as the child gets older, they'll move on to a flashier model that doesn't have a detachable car seat. They'll buy a separate car seat.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 3 lety

The source page (here) advertises exactly the type of 3-in-1 (AmE) “stroller” [BrE “pushchair”, “(baby) buggy”)] they're referring to, and the link on that page at “stroller options” discusses the different types available.

Some buggies with a detachable seat that can be used in a car may not be robust enough for older (and therefore heavier) children, or they may not be comfortable enough, or they may not be “showy” enough. Many parents only “want the best” for their sprogs and won't want to appear “too poor” to wheel them around in a more luxurious model. So to start with, they'll get a lightweight model that doubles up as a car seat, and as the child gets older, they'll move on to a flashier model that doesn't have a detachable car seat. They'll buy a separate car seat.

Thank you for your very complex answer!


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