Help for English

It’s been a long time since I’ve owned


I just want my life back,” she said in her testimony. “And it’s been 13 years. And it’s enough. It’s been a long time since I’ve owned my money. And it’s my wish and my dream for all of this to end without being tested.”

Proč je tam předpřítomný čas, nemá tam být jen minulý ? since I owned…peníze předtím vlastnila celý život, ale je to ukončená činnost, ne ? Díky.

Either the present perfect (“since I've owned …”) or the simple past (“since I owned …”) sound ok to my ear here. The meaning is the same. The difference is simply the focus in the speaker's mind at the time of speaking.

The rationale with “since I've owned” is that the speaker is thinking about an action (not owning – nevlastnění) that began at some time in the past and continues up to the time of the statement (or has just ended), cf: it's been a long time since I've had turmeric – kurkumu jsem dlouho neměl.

With “since I owned”, the speaker is thinking back to the (last) time she owned the money. She used to own it in the past, but now she doesn't, so from that perspective – yes, the “owning” has ended.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 3 lety

Either the present perfect (“since I've owned …”) or the simple past (“since I owned …”) sound ok to my ear here. The meaning is the same. The difference is simply the focus in the speaker's mind at the time of speaking.

The rationale with “since I've owned” is that the speaker is thinking about an action (not owning – nevlastnění) that began at some time in the past and continues up to the time of the statement (or has just ended), cf: it's been a long time since I've had turmeric – kurkumu jsem dlouho neměl.

With “since I owned”, the speaker is thinking back to the (last) time she owned the money. She used to own it in the past, but now she doesn't, so from that perspective – yes, the “owning” has ended.

It’s been a long time since I haven't owned – to znamená opak, že teď už vlastní (nějakou dobu až do současnosti) ?

a existují takové mixy vyjádření s used to be ?

It’s been a long time since she used to own money ?

It’s been a long time since she did not/have not use(d) to own money ?

It’s been a long time since I haven't owned – to znamená opak, že teď už vlastní (nějakou dobu až do současnosti) ?

Ano, je to tak. Uvádím příklad v kontextu:

My friend Fred is a great fan of Škodas. He says they're great cars and he sees no reason to buy any other make [značka].

Me: Hello Fred, tell me about your love of Škodas. I know you've owned them for a long time. Have you ever owned any other make?

Fred: Well actually my first car was a Trabant which I bought back in 1973, but in 1980 I bought my first Škoda and I've owned a Škoda ever since then. I won't have any other kind of car. So it's (been) a long time since I haven't owned a Škoda.

It’s been a long time since she used to own money ?

To je gramaticky přijatelná věta, ale zní kostrbatě. Co tím chce básník říct? “Used to” zdůrazňuje iterativnost/o­pakovanost/trvá­ní děje, tedy vlastnívat.

  • Delší dobu už nevlastní své peníze. :-)
  • Delší dobu už nevlastnívá své peníze. ?? :-(

The problem with “it's been a long time since she used to own her money” is that the grammar doesn't reflect the functional sentence perspective. Peníze už nevlastní, ale v minulosti ty peníze vlastnila. Není třeba tady použít vlastnívala (vlastnila iterativně/opa­kovaně nebo durativně/v delším trvání)

It’s been a long time since she did not/have not use(d) to own money ? ??? :-( :-( :-(

  • She hasn't owned (any) money for a long time.

I used to do something, I didn't use to do something, I haven't used to do something.

S vazbou “used to” nelze použít present perfect have used to. Nějaké opakované nebo delší “dělávání v minulosti” (což vyjadřuje vazba “used to”) nemůže pokračovat až do současnosti (což vyjadřuje present perfect).

[Omlouvám se za svou češtinu :-( , ale snad bude srozumitelná.]


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