Help for English

K čemu je ti to dobré?


Nějak jsem se zasekl u překladu této otázky.

Řekl bych asi: What is the use of it for you? Přijde mi to ale hrozně neohrabané.
Nemá někdo nějaký jiný návrh?

Díky a hezký večer všem.

What is the use of it for you? would be understood,. but doesn't sound idiomatic, and a native speaker wouldn't say it – see Google

No results found for „what is the use of it for you“.

  • What use is it to you?
  • what good is it to you?

A nešlo by aj toto ? (Načo to potrebuješ ?)

What do you need it for ?

Ano, to také. Neměli jsme kontext. Taky (podle kontextu):

  • how's that going to help (you)?
  • what are you planning to do with it?
  • what's the point of that?
  • what purpose does that serve?
  • what's that going to achieve?
  • do you think that's going to change anything?
  • what difference is that going to make? (atd.)


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