V předešlé odpovědi jsem kontroloval jedině použití výrazu „Czech
authorities“. Ted' jsem si dovolil (nezlobte se) navrhnout variantu, která je
o něco kratší a nezachází do podrobností, které nemusejí zahraniční
školu zajímat.
(In the previous reply I only looked at the usage of „Czech
authorities“. Now I've taken the liberty (I hope you don't mind) of
suggesting a version which is a tad shorter and doesn't
go into the kind of detail that the foreign school doesn't need to
bother with.)
I am writing in connection with the need for my study abroad to be
validated by the Czech authorities, who have recently notified me that it is a
Czech legal requirement for me to register this study abroad with them by
providing relevant documentary evidence for social security and other official
Czech purposes, and thus formally recognise my status as a student. I therefore
need to ask you if the school could please provide me with the following
documents which the Czech authorities require me to submit with my application
for student status validation with them. The documents are:
I hope that's helpful. 🙂
Uskutečnit nostrifikaci: Nejlepší výraz v daném
kontextu je prostě validate, formally recognise,
officially register.