Help for English

Zranit se o něco


Dnes ráno, když jsem vstal rozespalý z postele, tak jsem si při odchodu na toaletu zranil nohu o hranu postele. Jak by se to prosím správně řeklo anglicky?

Ráno jsem si zranil nohu o hranu postele.

Můj pokus:
I hurt my leg ...... edge of my bed in the morning.

Nevím ale jak vyjádřit onu předložku „o“.
Pomůžete mi prosím?
Děkuji Vám


A pokud byste chtěl říct „praštil jsem se o“, dá se se slovesem HIT použít i against.

  • I hit my foot against the edge of my bed.
  • I hit my head against the floor.

Dalo by sa použiť aj participium namiesto predložky:

I hurt my leg by hitting the edge…

  1. I hurt my leg by hitting the edge… This is grammatically ok, but out of context it sounds slightly strange, as if it was my intention to hurt my leg.
  2. Není noha jako noha: are we talking „leg“ or „foot“ here?
  3. In addition to Michal's sugges­tions above:

You can't make this crap up! [= Některým historkám se nedá ani věřit! ]

Well, I performed a cute little number two nights ago when I got up for my third pee of the night…It’s so­mething I think we’ve all done…[I[ Bashed my foot on the edge of the bed. (whinetimeali­cios)

And yes, usually the correct preposition (when it's an accident, and not deliberate) is on. „Hit“ is the best verb, but „knock“, „bump“ or „bash“ are ok too.

… last year I was cleaning my fish tank and I turned around and hit my elbow on the corner of the glass fish tank very hard … (strongfirst); One night just after my operation I twitched so bad that I knocked my foot on the end of the hospital bed which caused me pain … (; I bumped my foot on a chair. It didn't hurt at all. I went to the bathroom, came back out and when I reclined in my chair, I noticed that half my nail was gone on that toe! (healthtree); I bashed my foot on a chair that my mom left way out while going through the kitchen in the dark, and while it hurt, I thought that it would be fine the next day. (pbfingers)

I hit my head on the low ceiling, I banged my knee on the table leg, I knocked my ankle on the chair leg, I bashed my foot on a big stone, I bumped my forehead on a cupboard door …

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 12 měsíci
  1. I hurt my leg by hitting the edge… This is grammatically ok, but out of context it sounds slightly strange, as if it was my intention to hurt my leg.
  2. Není noha jako noha: are we talking „leg“ or „foot“ here?
  3. In addition to Michal's sugges­tions above:

You can't make this crap up! [= Některým historkám se nedá ani věřit! ]

Well, I performed a cute little number two nights ago when I got up for my third pee of the night…It’s so­mething I think we’ve all done…[I[ Bashed my foot on the edge of the bed. (whinetimeali­cios)

And yes, usually the correct preposition (when it's an accident, and not deliberate) is on. „Hit“ is the best verb, but „knock“, „bump“ or „bash“ are ok too.

… last year I was cleaning my fish tank and I turned around and hit my elbow on the corner of the glass fish tank very hard … (strongfirst); One night just after my operation I twitched so bad that I knocked my foot on the end of the hospital bed which caused me pain … (; I bumped my foot on a chair. It didn't hurt at all. I went to the bathroom, came back out and when I reclined in my chair, I noticed that half my nail was gone on that toe! (healthtree); I bashed my foot on a chair that my mom left way out while going through the kitchen in the dark, and while it hurt, I thought that it would be fine the next day. (pbfingers)

I hit my head on the low ceiling, I banged my knee on the table leg, I knocked my ankle on the chair leg, I bashed my foot on a big stone, I bumped my forehead on a cupboard door …

I hurt my leg by hitting the edge…

Keď tak na tým rozmýšľam, tak to naozaj vypadá, že to narazenie na okraj postele bolo úmyselné.

Ja som pôvodne mala tú vetu takto :

I hurt my leg hitting the edge … (Nebola tam tá preložka úmyslu by). Bolo by to už prijateľnejšie a logickejšie ?

Alebo ešte :

Hitting the edge …, I hurt my leg.


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