Help for English

For girls and mothers


Cifka: get well soon :-)
The world will not collapse when once a mother dare be ill :-D

I'm lucky, I know. We lived in Moravia without any help nearby until my oldest 4,5. I really appreciate all the moments with my parents and the help as well.

I study English teaching at Masarykuv ustav vyssich studii. It is a three year course for teachers of other subjects. I did geography at university.

Jarmi, :-) I finished breastfeeding (seven years in a row, interrupted by pregnancy three times), seems that I lost protection as I'm ill for two months now :-D

New topic to discuss (from City&Guilds speaking part of B2 exam): Have you ever get lost? Write us something about it.

Cifka, that's nice :-). How long have you been studying and how do you like it?
I also thought about something similar but I'm not sure if I could manage.
When you will have finished the school, how old students will you teach? I'm thinking of teaching English at the second stage of basic school. I studied Pedagogical faculty (specialisms mathematics and biology) and I have passed FCE exam in december. I would like to try CAE (if I pluck up courage ;-) ).

I got lost with my friend while on a trip to Paris. We went by bus with a travel agency and besides us there was only a big group of teenage students with their teacher. We had several stops. One of them was in Nuremberg. We got three hours for a free walk and as we (me and my friend) hadn't known the city at all, we decided to follow the group of students. Everything had been going on fine until we passed a little pizza-shop. The smell of fresh pizza was overwhelming. Immediately we forgot about the group, bought a slice of pizza and began to eat. Then we realized that the students had gone. We started to panic as we didn't know the right way back, threw away the pizza and ran. We had been running for five or ten minutes, searching through the streets, thinking we were completely lost, when the group appeared at last.
I must admit that I was really afraid. It happened 16 years ago when people weren't used to using mobile phones so there was a real possibility they could have left us there.

..I am not sure about the tenses.. (I am almost sure there are mistakes 8-) ).
If you see any mistake, correct it for me, please :-) . Thanks :-).

Once I almost got lost in London because I stood on the other bus stop :-D But I realised it when bus stopped on the opposite side of road :shock:

Chocolatka, I have just passed first semester exams and I love it :)

you getting lost: Everything had been going on fine… I wouldn't use preposition „on“ in this case.

Jarmi :)

Two weeks ago I met a ten-year-old boy who forgot get off the bus at the ri ght bus stop. That day I have explained for the first time to my children what to do if they may be get lost. Because it may sometimes happen – I hope never! :-(

it had been going on.. „On“ wasn't meant as a preposition but as a part of „go on“.
Something like this:
What's going on? – Everything is going on fine.
But maybe you are right :-).

Jarmi, it remindes me that I must explain to my youngest what to do in case he gets lost. When we go to an unknown place with crowds of people, I always write my phone number on my children's fo­rearms.

Hi mothers and girls. Slow internet connection betrayed me. I wanted to send the whole story.

Today is a foggy day in our town and it reminds me how I got lost in the fog. I was 9 or 10 years old. I was walking home from Primary Art School and there was a fog everywhere. „Fog which may even be felt.“ I saw nothing but white „porridge“ around me. Suddenly I made one step forward and I could see sun again and an unknown street and an unknown pub. I only remember that I came in and started to cry. One man asked me why I was crying and offered me to take me home. We had to go again into the fog and he accompanied me to the door of our block of flats. Since I have never experienced something similar. When I took (made?) one step forward I was in the light but when I took two steps back I was really in the white „darkness“.

Please, feel free to correct any of my contributions. I will be grateful for it.

nice story. I would be frightened as well.

I will be grateful if somebody corrects my mistakes too 8-) .

Fife, I'll try correct yours, but it's only my opinion, so I might not be true..
I would write:
It's been a foggy day today…
I haven't experienced anything similar ever since. Certainly you can't use „something“ after „never“.

Hi Chocolatka, Cifka and others. Let me go back to singing:
My children usually ask me not to sing but my little son (28 months) is happy when I am singing with him. His favourite song is I have got horses but since he has seen Czech Heaven he is really keen on singing Ach synku but it is necessary for him to hold some ribbon in his little hand and before singign it he starts saying : Our colour – red and white, our motto – honesty and strenght. He has seen this very scene repeatedly.

But to be true I have to admit that our family spent nice evenings playing the guitar and singing together from time to time. I wish it woud happen more often. Maybe it depends on me.

And what about your little child/children and their favourite songs?

Chocolatka, thank you very much. I am going to think about it tomorrow because I am really tired now.

I read my contribution again.. and I wonder: May I write „I might not be true“ ??
Now, when I look at it I find it strange :-) and I would write „I might not be right“ instead.

What do you think?

Chocolatka, my English is not good enough. I know only: I might be wrong.
I have found this meaning: The guy I love thinks we might not be right for each othe. But maybe- I might not be right -is possible.…jgh/post.htm

It is not easy. Thank you for your time.


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