Help for English

What's your favorite TV series?


I've seen all seasons of Scrubs and it's getting better and better, you'll see ! One of my favorite shows :)

Actually I'm considering watching it again, it's been almost 3 years since I saw it.

a bit ashamed after first episode of Shameless :) This series looks like a proper listening challenge !!

Misfits- two seasons 11/10 :-)

That 70's Show, Season 1, 9/10

Very funny. Very interesting characters.

Fringe, Season 1, 9/10

Greek, Chapter 4, 7/10

Try „Community“. Funny TV Show about a group of students, but no BH90210 style :) Lots of dialogs, good english… reminded me Scrubs.

Looks great, that Community! Gonna give it a try.

yep, community is a great show (the paintball episode was awesome :)!) but i would not say it is anything like scrubs.

I liked the first season of Community, but not so much the second season. There's a new series called Mr. Sunshine which stars the guy who played Chandler on Friends. He's the manager of a big arena (like O2 arena). It's cute. I also watch House, Grey's Anatomy, and Private Practice. Oh, and Glee. Do they show that in Czech yet?

Yes, guess, it's running on Prima.

In Czech? :-)

do you guys know „modern family“? i've just seen the first episode and i am thrilled.

mew: Yes, I love it! :-)

I've just finished watching the first two seasons of Dexter and it was just AWESOME ! Ineffable :-)

Dexter, Season 1, 10/10
Dexter, Season 2, 10/10


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