Help for English

What's your favorite TV series?


True Blood, Season 1, 9/10

I never got into that show…I think Anna Paquin annoyed me too much :?

americanka – same here

I loved her, her fake accent and everything.

Sherlock – nice british TV show, i really enjoyed it :) the concept is subtly renovated which is totaly cool :)

Very, very cool, you're right. Characters matter most, and these Holmes and Watson are truly authentic. I had a great time with them. Have you read Watson's blog?
It's some extra fun after the movies…(or Sherlock's web sites:

Oh, the blog truly exists :) thanks

Parenthood, Season 1, 9/10

The Vampire Diaries, Season 1, 8/10

Misery Bear (BBC)

Bones, Season 1, 7/10

Sliders 1–3 :-)


I hope the new season will be better than the last one. It was a letdown for me. But generally Red Dwar rocks.

Weeds, Season 6, 9/10

Loved it, Weeds are back. Seasons 4 and 5 were not so great but Season 6, totally enjoyable.


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