Help for English

What do you think about Google Translator?


8-) Hello,I'm english-man and i making a project with this translator and i think it's great,but have a bugs.And what do you think? :-)

It's definitely not perfect, but it's ok for getting a rough idea of what something is about. I wouldn't rely ONLY on Google Translate for anything. I have noticed in the past week that it has really big problems – can't find many things that I've looked for, and they weren't weird things!

I think, better than use translator first, it could be translate your project on your own. Then use translator and compare how good at English you are :-) I believe you will find an answer. I use Google Translator rarely and find out that sometimes another words suits better.

I am persuade that for technical terms and specialized terminology should be any translator forbidden :-)

As mentioned by američanka, it's just to get the gist of the text. Definitely not for a translation to be showed to other people, let alone a project. That being said, it's pretty much the best translator out there, getting better all the time, offering the most exact translation.
Nonetheless, still far from being perfect.
So studying English is still the way to go. :-)

As you've said it's far from being perfect. That's what I think as well. However, when I was ordering some stuff from Germany I hardly understood the language so the Google translator came in handy and I grasped at least the gist of it.

Well, lately I have been really amazed to see some amazing features of voice recording implemented into Android phones. As for English, it works almost seamlessly. Speaking of Czech, it's not all that bad when realizing how complicated Czech is.
You can of course use it as a translator into other languages, which is just great!
I know it's a bit off topic, but I just wanted to mention it anyway. :-D Hope you don't mind. Android rulezzz :-)

I agree with your posts.
Anyway, Google translator is a great aid, especially for people who do not know English or another foregin language properly. You can translate texts online and by way of Google toolbar you can even translate whole websites.
Once, when there wasn't such thing as Google translator, people had to use another application (pc translator,etc) or they had to get it translated by someone else.

I find this totally useless.Every time I wanted to translate a arcicle, it turned into a nonsense. Translators don't have to be afraid of losing their job :)

Maybe it is not so bad. Sometimes it is able to translate idioms and for example I was very surprised when I found that
Keep off the grass means „ruce pryč“. I believe that it is true but I am not able to find it and check it somewhere.

But sometimes it is really „funny“ and I hope that I am able to recognise that there are nonsenses there. But to be true for me it is often very helpful.

I realized today that Google Translate is really good for things like legal documents which have a lot of boilerplate text (standard phrases used over and over). It's not so great for literary texts or things which are less „standard“.

It is such a good project! Btw. Do you know the new music genre „Google Translator Beatbox“? Try input this „pv zk pv pv zk pv zk kz zk pv pv pv zk pv zk zk pzk pzk pvzkpkzvpvzk kkkkkk bsch“ into Translator and play loud the german version.
:shock: :-)

None of the translators will be perfect! It can't be ‚cause of English itself. You can‘t translate English single word by word…


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