Help for English

Ice Hockey


The team on the receiving end of it :-)

That didn't help! :shock:

If you SCORE the goal you manage to get the puk (ball) into the opponents net. Thus, the opponent CONCEDE the goal.

This is a dictionary definition of CONCEDE
- if you concede a goal, point, or game, the person or team you are playing scores a goal or point or wins a game

Můžu použít obě: leading/winning … když někdo vede ve hokeji?
Who's winning?
Who's leading?

Jo, podle mě jo, častější je, myslim, who's winning…win­ning se pak jako přídavný jméno používá ve smyslu „vítězný“, např. score the winning goal

Ještě malá poznámka – puk se píše puck a čte se s A :-)

jj, díky za upozornění

I still don't understand how „dostat gol“ is the same as „to concede a goal“.....according to my dictionary and my personal knowledge, when you „dostat“ something, you're getting or receiving something. TO CONCEDE means you give something up or give something away…which is the opposite…help me out here!

If you get (dostat) a goal, your team has scored a point.

If you concede a goal, that means the OTHER team scored a point.



Our team conceded a goal = dostali jsme gól :-(
Our team scored = dali jsme gól :-)

Straaaaaange…but I'll take your word for it :)

I've heard it in many football matches with the commentary of native speakers so I believe ‚concede‘ should really be fine.

I'm not arguing the word „concede“, I'm trying to comprehend what it means.

When a team concedes a goal, that means that they didn't block the other team from scoring. (The other team scored a goal.)

So I can't understand why concede = dostat, when „dostat“ means „to receive/get“.

Ted jsem poslouchal prenos z MS podstatne slavnejsiho a rozsirenejsiho sportu – stolniho tenisu – a tam pouzili termin pro postoupil „Timo Boll got through to semifinal“.


Look at it this way.
dostat = receive ; We've received a puck. It's in our goal. :(


Joooooo…ok! That helps..also helps with „dat gol“ too :D THanks, Orim! 8-)


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