Help for English

Nečekaná anglická slovíčka



capital! – old-fashioned: excelent!

long – to want something very much, especially when it seems unlikely to happen soon

Chic flick – označení pro filmy, kterým s manželem říkáme „růžové“ :-)

It's actually „chick“ – a slang term for a girl :) Hey! Dig those crazy chicks over there! :D

„I am the guy who cries at chick flicks and sleeps with stuffed animals“ (from Beastly movie, which is a chick flick itself)

Good day, commander. I heard it in Star trek and it seems strange to me (strange in English). I thought- in English „good day“ don´t exist…


to Lenka:
I thought that „Good day“ is used in Australia but I'm not sure. Does anybody know?

this one is very good :-)

:-D :-D


Eglantine: Sherlock Holmes? :-)

steer clear

pravopis = orthography
cacography = nesprávný, špatný pravopis

cacophony :-)

bowl (ból), mísa.
bowel (baul), střevo, bowels – vnitřnosti
:shock: :-)


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