Help for English

For girls and mothers


well my son has a BIG fantasy and learns his own way and we respect his ideas.
That is what teachers in schools cannot do, they did not find the way with so many kids in the clasroom…

So I pray for the happyend, childhood he has only one…

I fully understand. The life is not easy. Especially for our kids.
The teacher in the first grade is really very very important and can influence the whole life of the child.

Exactly, my teacher in first grade did not like me because I went to school one year later and she had nothing to teach me…
Boring children are the worst…

Hope my son is not like his mum :-)

children are very inspiring :…Welcome.html

All of us are proud of children's achi­evements when we can hear: „I did it All By Myself!“


to jarmi1: Thank you for „all by myself“ but I could not see the sample videos. Do I need some plug-in for my browser?

Fife: Yes, you need to use newer plugin or use the old one just for this case – as I was asked.

By the way, I was a bit disappointed because there are only two shorter videos on that website, an sample of DVD or book we can buy on Business is business :-)

I wonder how many times can childern enjoy watching at other children who do something all by themselves :-D
I think much useful will be if we do our own videos with our own childern who do something all by themselves 8-)

new words I have learnt today: MCP – Male Chauvinist Pig. There are some jokes about them on…g-jokes.html

This one isn't truth as well but funny. :-) :

The most effective way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once.

Hi mothers, I have found something useful for you and your children…

Have fun.

Terrific! Now I know how to say „dělá“ :-D

Thank you, Fife.

By the way, it is only American English. In British English can animals make another sounds. I know only frog which goes croack in British English and ribbit in American English 8-)…-Sounds.html

My new finding :shock:
Our children have had a cup with frogs all round it for many years. Under the top edge there is all round written: ribit, ribit, ribit.
I looked up differences between British and American frogs today and I realised that American frog go: riBBit, not only one B. I tried to find out what is correct written. The urban dictionary gave me an answer:

1– how a noob spells Ribbit
2– Synonymus with noob
3– a degree or state of noobery

noob = n00bs know little and have no will to learn any more. They expect people to do the work for them and then expect to get praised about it, and make up a unique species of their own.

I can't imagine that such a cup is sold somewhere where children understand English. :shock: I have bought it in local supermarket.

Hi mothers,
for so many years I haven't been able to remember how to say in English: rybíz. I have always forgotten this word. Today I have found on BBC Food this recipe: Redcurrant sause = unforgettable taste with today's barbecue and I hope unforgettable word, too. :-D…tsauce_70110

Or blackberry fool – simple excellent one :-) Why don't we have so funny names for desserts?…ryfool_79647

What is your way to remember some difficult words?

PS One friend of mine has recommended me Panna Cotta Recipe:…

Hi jarmi1, thanks for sharing

Hi there, I have found something for „little students“.
My little son likes cars and planes and bulldozers……

Actually, this is useful and interesting for me as well.

(Yes, I agree with you that the music is horrible, but as usually – NOTHING IS PERFECT)

I am not happy when my children are sitting in front of the PC, but I think that this is really great. And you can watch other topics (animals, fruit, kitchen, body…)

Have fun!

BONUS for you :-)…

Hi,my name's Monika. I want to learn English, you can help me? :-) :-) I need to write with somebody.

Hi mothers

How are you doing? I know… you study and study English!

Do you know Have you ever heard this:…t_video1.asp

Have fun!

Hi Fife,
Thank you for your tip. It is very interesting web. Are you already FLYing? :-) I'm keen on declutering" :-D I threw away a lots of broken or incomplete toys and some of old toys for babies I gave to my pregnant cousin :-D. Maybe I will keep to declutter and hopefully will enjoy X-mas which is comming soon.
Bye for now 8-)


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