V jednom testu tady na h4e je tato otazka:
Jean-Claude van Damme _________ in many movies lately.
a) hasn't appeared – spravne
b) hasn't been appearing – spatne
Ve vystevetleni je ze b) je spatne protoze je tam in many movies. Tomu bych
veril (je to test pro advanced uroven) kdybych si nezapamatoval uryvek
z English Grammar in Use kde se pise:
Present perfect continuous can be used with time expressions: recently,
lately, this week, since …, for …, etc
We often use the present perfect progressive with words that refer to a period
of time continuing up to now, like recently, lately, this week, since January,
for the last three days.
The firm has been losing money recently.
John's been walking in Scotland all this week.
I've been doing a new job since January.
Ja to tedy chapu ze by mohlo byt spravne i toto:
Jean-Claude van Damme hasn't been appearing in many movies
Tato veta je podle me podobna prikladove vete uvedene vyse:
John's been walking in Scotland all this week.
V prikladove vete je sice all this week misto recently, ale je tam taky
prislovecne urceni mista (in Scotland vs. in many movies). Tak co vy na to? Je
mozna i prubehova forma?