da sa vobec nejakym sposobom naucit rozumiet anglicanom niektore slovne spojena, ktore totalne zdeformuju a ani trochu to nepripomina to co v skutonosti povedali?
Napr. tu: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/…er-round-pub
Vo vete „Always busy here on a Friday night!“ vobec nevravi „here“ ale vravi „near“. Odkial sa mu tam nabralo to „n“?
„Patience and persistence!“ – preco namiesto toho povie „Katience supersistance“?
a tu: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/…n-invitation by som vzivote neporozumel tomu ako vyslovuje “Josh and Henrietta would like to have the pleasure of your company at a drinks party, next Saturday evening…” alebo " I’m just going to have to tell them the truth."
existuje nieco, proste hocico, nejaka metoda alebo co, ktora by pomohla naucit sa rozmiet tejto hatlanine?