Help for English

What's your favorite TV series?


Suits, Season 1, 10/10!!!

I want to be a lawyer. :-D

Felicity, Season 3, 7/10

The IT Crowd, series 1 – I'd seen it before but enjoyed watching it all over again with my wife. 9/10 despite it being British… and you know what I'm like when it comes to British TV. :-)

What are you like when it comes to British TV? :-)

You know I'm like… meh!

Black Books is next on my list. Gotta see what all the fuss is about. :-)

Well, the fuss is really about something. Even though I didn't like it much at first, it has grown on me a whole lot lately.
So go for it right away!

I must second that. Didn't like it at the start, but the fact that I've seen the whole series at least five times speaks for itself. But then I'm a fan of British humor.

Glee, Season 2, 8/10

Bones, season 2, 8/10

I love Rizzoli & Isles and Castle. Have you ever seen it? :)

Felicity, season 4, 8/10

Sweet, the last six episodes were monumental. J.J. Abrams knows how to shake things up a little. I loved the show.

Californication S1-S3 FTW 10/10 In general I love original and ingenious stuff. This is one of it. So frigging unconventional, spicy, fun and harsh! All thumbs up!

EPISODES, season 1, 9/10

Very funny!

Dawson's Creek, season 1, 9/10.

Not bad. However, I was kinda fed up with their „emotional phases“.


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