Help for English

For girls and mothers


Hi Jana
I like

„Declutter 15 Minutes a Day – 5 Great Tools That Make it Easy!“

and „FlyLady's Eleven Commandments“

But… you know… the commandement number 4 is :
Don’t allow yourself to be sidetracked by the computer.

And this is the reason why I have not read everything yet!

But…Two years ago I met my friend Jana from our town in September and she said (declared): Today I have prepared my kitchen for Christmas!
And I think that this is a fantastic idea! You can focus on kitchen in September, on bedroom in October, on children room in November and living room in December and it is not necessary to be exhausted in December and to do everything just before Christmas… :-)

I know that many mothers and women are „perfect“ but I am happy that there are women that have different problems and struggles and they do not give it up and are able to help each other.

Thank you!

Hi Fife, yes, computer is big problem :-) And HFE as well LOL!

I want to have nice home which is for rest not just for work. I am happy I have two children but it is hard work to keep everything in order, you know ;-) This is nice idea that you can manage all in 15 min a day! Just does some little work every day. To be systematic – It is the most important thing not to spin in circle and waste time to organise things you do not need :-) I like the FLYlady much more, because it is all in English :-)

I have started to translate Flying lessons for my best friend which is on the same boat – mother of three – but does not speak English :-) It gives me big opportunity – to improve my English and to clean my home without usual rush in the end of the year.

I look forward to reading your next tip :-)

Hi everybody,
do you know The Four Agreements? I just fulfill my wish to buy a CD in English. I've read the book in Czeck and it is worth reading (or hearing :-) ).

Hi, girls and „older“ girls,

how are you today or this week?

Hi shannon

We are very well

(actually I am very busy and very tired – as usual),

thank you!
And what about you?

Hi brave mothers and all girls

Have you ever heard the following sentence?

„IT IS YOUR Mother's FAULT!“

Hi Fife,

I am well too, the best because today is Friday and I look forward to weekend. I hope wheather will be sunny and I plan to go for a walk with my family.

to Fife, all mothers and girls:
I wish you long, great and beautifull weekend.

Bye-bye Shannon

Hi Shannon and all lucky Mothers

I understand that you have never heard:
„IT IS YOUR Mother's FAULT!“.
Well, I have heard this sentence twice in my life.
Let me share with you my story number one today.

Once upon a time I was a student about 20 and I met a student from Syria. When he found that I was not able to sew he told me:
„It is your Mother's fault!“

Do you agree with him?

Do you have anything to say about this?
What do you think?

I think that this is an opportunity to practise something like this:…ressions.htm

Have a nice weekend!

Hi Fife,

well, it is true, I do not know „It is your Mother´s fault“. But when I will be at lessons I will ask my teacher (native speaker). The sentence is interesting.

I asked what means „It is your Mother´s fault“. According to my teacher, the sentence means that somebody did a wrong thing and a person blames one.

Hi my name is Nicole and I can´t speak Englisch, but I want to speak English,but I don´t know how :-(

If you really want to learn to speak English, you can do it as long as you have a strong motivation and determination. Rest assured, though, that it is going to take plenty of time and a lot of effort, which is logical as you cannot achieve a thing without doing anything for it.
There are lots of tips on how to achieve a good command of English on this website, which I wholeheartedly recommend that you take a look at. For more info see section tips and tricks here or the section „for beginners“, which is here…a-Kurzu.html

Things to Keep Children Amused on Long Journeys :-)…h2g2/A397398

Hi mothers and girls

What are your favourite kinds of Chrismas sweets?

I do not know how to „say“ it in English :-)

I prepare only hunter buttons, wasp nests, vanilla rolls, Linz and cream cookies.
We like tangerines, apples, dates and figs – and it is not necessary to make them :-)


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