Help for English

For girls and mothers


Hello Fife and others,

The question cross my mind because we spoke about Christmas and Christmas sweets at last English lesson. And we tried to translate sweets in Enslish for our English teacher.

Fife, please, will you tell me what „hunter buttons“ is in Czech (I thougt – maybe „medvědí pracky“:?:)

I love rum and lemon (small) balls, chocolate little baskets and lemon cookies.

Translation of Christmas cookies is quite funny. :-)

Hi shannon

„hunter buttons“ is my translation for „myslivecké knoflíky“. I have baked them for the second time. My first attempt was 12 years ago :-) It is necessary to have a lot of nuts for them.

I had two (egg)whites and I used them for „cockchafers“.

Hi other mothers
What about you? Do not tell me that your children do not need anything to school? :-)

Hello there, girls..

I am the new one here. I´ve explored this phorum today. Are everybody here Czech, or anybody is from abroad, or even native speaker?

to Soňa 2:
Hi Soňa2 – Almost everybody here is Czech. I know just about one native speaker – American here.

Hi mothers and girls,


Hi mothers and girls,

I see everybody are busy this year. So one joke for beginning.

Yesterday I told to my son (7years, 1st class, does not like school):„On Saturday we will go at the action of firefighters and policemen.“
My son: „Great! I will be a fireman when I grow up!“
Me: „Fireman must be able to read, to write, to count and to run fast.“
and he said:" I will be a policeman."


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