Help for English



I'm happy to exchange messages with anyone who wants to practice their English. You can send me a private message here on the forum or write to me on Facebook (see my profile). We can just chat or, if you like, I can correct your writing. It's up to you!

Unfortunately I can't offer „speaking chats“ on Skype or the like – I just don't have time :(

Hey 8-) I see, that the conversation is on freezing point
:-D so I have idea for u . Look on page and find new penfriends ;) Now I have penfriend from Netherlands , California and more…

Hi everyone
I would like to write with somebody in english because my english is very terrible!..please, help me :? :-)

I would like to write with someone in English.

I'd like to communicate with someone in English. I want to improve my English and eliminate mistakes. :? My e-mail is are you??everybody.. :-D

Hello! :) I want to write with somebody English. :)

Hi, I am looking for some pen friend:). I need to improve my English. I had been studing English for one year. And I don´t know if I good writte.

Hey everybody,

if you're looking for someone to practice your language skills with, you may do it via conversationex­change(dot)cz­. :-)

Hi everybody…who wanna speak with me? Im young guy from slovakia and I really need improve my english. Please Contact me! my email is :

Have nice Day

Hi, i find someone to write in english about almost everything.

Hello. I am andulas007. I wanted penfriend. I am beginner in the english. Write your letter, please. Bye andulas007.

Hi!Are there anybody from Australia?I need answers for my english project. :idea:

Hi there!
My name is Franta. I'm 25 years old. I want to imrove my English and I'm looking for penfriend. My actually English level is B1. My email is I am looking forward to writing with you.

Hi Lukyna… :-D I would like to correspond with you, but I can not very well english.. :?


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