Potřeboval bych pomoci s kontrolou mého domácího úkolu, kde jsme měli
psát o tom, co jsme dělali celý jeden týden. Už jsem zde psal o radu
s jednou větou, u které jsem si nevěděl rady. Avšak zajímalo by mě, jak
jsou na tom se správností ostatní věty, než ten svůj výplod odevzdám
učitelce a jestli bych měl práci ještě přepsat.
Nenašel by se tady prosím nějaký hodný člověk, který by mi ten text
ještě zkontroloval?
When my class went to skiing course on 19th March, I was staying at home.
I could get up when I wanted. Nevertheless I woke up at 6:30 (this time
I get up when I go to school), but I was lying next 2 hours. During the week
I started wake up later (about 8:00 – 9:00). It was relaxing for me.
I played computer games, watched TV, read comic books. I also decided to read
a book by Stephen King – Cell that had been lying unread on my shelf for
about half a year.
Although I had a free week, there was some homeworks. I had to read 2 books
(Hamlet and Romeo, Juliet and darkness) for making term paper and I had to
studying for next tests.
It was a sunny and quite warm week, but I did not go out a lot. I went walking
only once, but I went to shopping several times, because it was a parents'
order. I hate shopping. However there was another order by my parents (mainly
my mother). I had to clean up our whole flat. Luckily, the flat is not big, but
I was cleaning up about 2 hours.
My week was not interesting very much, but I was happy, because I did not go
to school.