Help for English

I want to speak with you.


Hi Terry, what about your exam? What was it?

I want to study after school cause i dream about the better future

Yes,I agree. School graduete is important. Would you want to study in abroad. Universities offers program for student. The name is Erasmus. Can you study half or one year. Do you know this program and ? I think, it is very good and interesting an experience.

Graduation is very important, now is nessecary. I know Erasmus because i saw the film with the same name. I thought about it and now i focuse on my obligations.

I thing you are very ambitious lady and you know, what want you. How old are you. I,m 26. When i was younger, i didn't know what i want to study. And than at school i found,what interests me. I chose a defferent school now. What interesting you?

I am 19 years old. I am interested in books, sports and other but sometimes i am very lazy and my motivation is not enough. I think that i need somebody who be able to hustle me to making something.

Is somebody here?

Sometimes :-)

It is normal. :-). When the two are. It is always better a and motivation stronger. You must to have a good partner. My hobbys are sports and a books also. And i like dancing. My genre of books is spiritual development of man and his soul. What genre you enjoy?

I have a boyfriend, but he is not always care of me. I like a non-fiction literature, i mean biography.

Hi I´m Martin. I want conversation too. My English is bad, but I´d like learn with you. Pleas contact me. Who want conversation with me? Skype Icq mail. ICQ 451840350

Hi Martin, I´d like to conversation too. But i don´t belive people and i give you my icq number later. Do you agree with it?

Martin is very eagerly. :-) You can learn with us here Martin. I'm Petra. On this time is better watch a little a privaci. I agree with Terry. Terry, you have this year final exam (maturita-I don't know the name of this) in your school. I think that's correct?

Yes, i had this exam in english today. I got it :-) and i am very happy. The name of this exam in czech is souborna zkouska. My teacher told me that i should exercice my grammar, vocabulary and my fluency.

Congratulations :-). You are very handy. Grammer, fluency and vocabulary you still improve. What did you do this weekend? Did you learn and something else.


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