Help for English

Mind Your Language


I'd like to highly recommend you an old but still very funny British TV show „Mind your language“ (1977). It is about an English teacher and his foreign students from all over the world. Many jokes arise from their misunderstandig. It's very important to have subtitles (in English of course), because it would be a pity to miss some jokes. You can watch it on Youtube and the first season contains English subtitles. As I said, it is pretty funny and I am curious if anyone else here knows this show. And here (if I may post it) is the link:…

I do know the show and I liked it a lot.

Jolly good, me too:-) I discovered this show a few days ago and I'm still laughing. A perfect choice of the actors.

Oh blimey, how come I didn't know about this show before? :-D It's hilarious, my favorite character is by far Ali Nadeem. And Miss Courney reminds me of my former English teacher :-).

If you don't know the show, check it out, you won't regret it.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Desu-Noto vložený před 12 lety

I'd like to highly recommend you an old but still very funny British TV show „Mind your language“ (1977). It is about an English teacher and his foreign students from all over the world. Many jokes arise from their misunderstandig. It's very important to have subtitles (in English of course), because it would be a pity to miss some jokes. You can watch it on Youtube and the first season contains English subtitles. As I said, it is pretty funny and I am curious if anyone else here knows this show. And here (if I may post it) is the link:…

I highly recommend it. You just must see it. It's very funny.

Thanks a lot! I nearly died laughing watching it!

It's really great! Thanks a lot :-).

I just wonder…isn't Ali Nadeem by any chance related to Mr.HYMAN KAPLA*N?


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