Help for English

For girls and mothers


briefly:Teaching English your own child
I recommend you open this as a new topic for other forummates.
Maybe girls and boys and fathers could write something interesting about their experience – maybe some father-psychologist or Marek Vít : :?: :-)
You know, sometimes it is really not easy and I think, that even if you were Paganini you would have to ask other teacher to teach your child how to play the violin and with English language it is sometimes similer IMHO

I have to play with my boy now and then prepare this:…ni-klobasou/

:-) :-D

Hi Fife, something for cooking in English:…erolls_86258 8-)

Hi jarmi1,
I like mushrooms, but I am the only one in my family :-( :-(

hors d'oeuvre

Fife, I agree with the new topic.

I watched first episode of Misfits, but it's too scary for me.

Hi girls,
I've been quite busy lately. I'm sorry I don't react to everything..
Fife, your story about musical instruments – I guess everybody who had visited you and started to play the piano plays well now. And your daughter doesn't play at all 8-) .

No mothers and girls on Saturday? :-)

Fife, she didn't play at all?

I was at school yesterday. We did Linking and Elision, Shakespear's Son­nets and 17th century literature, body parts idioms and question tags. I'm going to practise these here on HFE. :-)

I'm watching My Fair Lady…

Have a good day and write me something nice, our third one, got the antibiotics finally – she had an earache…

Part two – Musical instruments
My child was unhappy, very unhappy when she had tu practise scales and etudes…and I was unhappy that she was unhappy. I could not find the way how to encourage her or how to make her accept any encouragement…
(Když to nejde po dobrém půjde to po zlém – can anybody help me with this? I do not know how to translate it.)

She thought, that her fingers were not good enough. BTW I am afraid, that I am „Killing her softly with my song…“
Well. Let us speak about me. I did not know how to help her. I have read in some book: You have to avoid saying something like this : „ One day in the future you will be grateful that we did not allow you to quit.“ But then – what is possible to say? Some parents try to say this : „Well, it is not necessary to practise if you do not want to eat this evening.“
So do I. Just kidding. Yes, to be honest ,I said it as well. It does not work. But whatever you say, somewhere inside you, you know, that this is not it. It is not about TO EAT OR NOT TO EAT. It is about To practise or to practise. The child has no problem with „starving“, the children have to learn how to overcome obstacles and persevere- and this is harder than go without dinner.

And what about you? If you are reading these words I would like to ask you to write something about your experience. What did you used to hear when you had to practise any musical instrument? What did/do you say to your child? What would you say if you were in the same situation?

Part 3 comes soon
:?: :?: :-)

Cifka, I like Audrey Hepburn, I like My Fair Lady and I am forward to seeing Breakfast at Tiffanys one day. But her private life …

Let your son get better soon.
Yesterday my son was sitting on the toilet and singing:
Já mám BOBEK
vraný BOBEK
to jsou BOBEK mí!

Hi girls and mothers. I was very surprised how many homebirth videos you can find and watch.BTW do you know how many English words you can use if you want to say „porod“?

Nobody learned play any musical instrument :?: :?:?:

Fife, I have had the window open since seven o'clock in the morning, but I was still busy to write appropriate answer. :oops:

I must have been very difficult with your daughter, or piano lessons. I played recorder for a year when I was seven. My parent didn't push me to it. I didn't practise much and my teacher told me not to bother any more… I was dissapointed. I learned six notes and when I was twelve, I learned the rest of the scale by myself and managed to play simple melodies. I learned playing guitar by myself as well but proper musical education was thing I sometimes miss a lot.

I don't know Audrey Hepburn's private life at all. I must look it up :-)

But BOBEK rules :-D

My oldest, at age of three, once shouted from toilet: „Kakám sedm bobků!“

Homebirth videos, I don't watch them now on purpose, I have had enough two years ago. They ARE great.

As for „porod“: labour, giving birth, birth, delivery, childbirth

I got WordManager yesterday, so I have to find out how it works and revise some vocabulary.

Good night!

Cifka, I have two sick kids now.

I think, that we did not push our children as well. In the beginning of each school year we asked them if they wanted to go on and they agreed, but…then was necessary to practise and practise and problems started again. It would be easier to save our money and our nerves but we tried to vydržet (keep on??).
I do not regret. My children do not regret. The last year, when my daughter was preparing for the graduation concert, she was able to play two hours a day and I asked her not to play too much :?: because of our neighbours :-( She used to tell me: „…but when I was small you wanted me to play more and now when I play…“

Hi girls :-),

Cifka, you can speak four languages? Wow :shock:
It's impossible for me. I'm not good at languages, though I fell in love with English 8-) . I learned German and I took a school-leaving exam in it. I got 1 but I haven't used the language ever since so I can't make a sentence.
I learned Russian. I'm older than you so I had to learn this language at school. I liked it very much. It's easy for us because it's one of Slavonic languages. I don't use it as well but I think it would be easy to start learning again.

I'm glad you understand why I didn't push on my son to play the piano :-).

I am curious what happened with learning to play the piano and your daughter :-).
I like Audrey Hepburn and I have read something about her life. I admire her.
BOBEK is a very nice improvement of an old song :-D .

I know almost nothing about homebirths and I don't want to watch it. My first birth wasn't very nice and I had some problems afterwards and pain that lasted more than six months. I am really happy that it's gone. But I think mothers should decide whether they want to give birth at home or at hospital.

vydržet – I would use „endure“ but I'm sure you can use many different phrases (or words).

vydržet – maybe „persist“ would be even better :-)

It is interesting but I am not sure if I would be able to share something like homebirth or my labour and delivery in the hospital on youtube. But I was really surprised by the number of people in the same room where the mother and her husband were.

My English is really still in its infancy because I knew only „Labour Party“ and „Homebirth diary“ I found only by chance when I wanted to know something about " I decided" and „I have decided“ :?: :?:?:

I've finished my profile. It was hard work ;-).

So, how are you doing, girls?
I like this weather – sunny, warm,.. the flowers are showing up :-)..
BTW. Where are you from? Do you live in a flat or in a house with a garden?
I live in a flat (in a block of flats) but we have a „weekend-house“ with a small garden. I can't say „cottage“ because it's a row house inside a town. It's very tiny, there are only two little rooms and a kitchen. The bathroom is only 1×2m – it's hardly enough space for one basin and a shower and there must be only one person at a time :-). The garden is also small – only 80m2 but I'm happy for it. I have got only one small flowerbed there – with tulips and daffodils and grape-hyacints. But we haven't been there for a long time so I think that the flowers won't be able to be seen under the weed.

..well, the phrase „flowers won't be able to be seen“ seems awkward to me.. Does anybody know how to say it in a better way?

right, sounds a bit weird to me too. Would rather say just flowers won't be seen under the weed.
or you can use combinations like: flowers will be veiled with the weed or covered with weed and so on.
By the way I am neither a girl nor a mom. Just tried to help you out here.


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