Help for English

For girls and mothers


"to neuskodi " – it can't hurt. I'll read the article again, it can't hurt. Maybe I'll learn something new.

Američanka, thanks :-).

You're welcome.

It appears that spring got lost…it was snowing today in my small town…!!

Yeah, it's awful, isn't it?
But it should be warmer since weekend. My oldest son is going to „škola v přírodě“ (sorry, I don't know how to translate it – maybe „school camp“?) on Friday so I hope they'll have better weather than this.

I've never found a good translation for skola v prirode, so we end up calling it „nature school“. :) My daughter goes in two weeks to Vysocina – not sure how that's going to go!

In two weeks? It's OK. I think my son will have to take ski or maybe snowshoes :-D .

Or did you mean it generally?
My son has got a very good teacher and every „nature school“ is wonderful.
..btw.. may I use „awesome“ instead of „wonderful“?
A definition says that „awesome“ means very good but also very difficult and perhaps rather frightening.. And it's not frightening at all. Could it be understood in the wrong way?

You can use „awesome“ but it's a bit overused by American teenagers, if you know what I mean. People will rarely take it to mean „frightening“. But you can say „every nature school is a fantastic experience“, for example. My daughter has a wonderful teacher as well – she really knows how to deal with each child as an individual, and understands that every child learns in different ways. She'll have her for one more year, then it's off to gympl (in the same school) with a new teacher.....e­veryone in the class (and their parents) will be sad :(

Overused like for example „hustý“ in Czech? Everything is „hustý“ according to Czech teenagers :-). In my „teenage“ days everything was „boží“ :-).
Your daughter will attend the same school (I mean the same building)? I think she's lucky. My son is in the fourth grade too and we don't know yet what gympl to choose.

Yes, exactly like „huuuuuuustýýýýýý“ :) I have a teenager too, so I hear that one a lot too.

My daughter goes to Novy PORG – we chose it because it's more or less a bilingual program – and they have the primary school and gympl in the same building. It IS nice – now she just needs to get in next year! Thankfully the kids from the school are always the best prepared for the exams, and only a few each year don't make it in. But I do need to find at least one alternative school, and good 8 year gympls are tough to find.

Yeah, tell me about it.. I didn't even start to find a suitable gympl and yet I know it would be complicated because my sister-in-law went through it (I mean searching, preparing for exams,..) one year ago. Everyone around us has been already preparing for the exams :shock:.

Oh, that's not fair to a kid to start so soon! We'll start working on it once school starts again in the fall. She doesn't need the stress right now… :( There's good websites out there with lists of schools – I refuse to drive her to the other end of Prague (we live just outside the city off the D1), so I'm focusing on Prague 4 and 10.

Where are you, mothers and girls?
Does anybody have a lazy child – I mean as lazy as mine is ;-)? My youngest son is quite skillful but very lazy and very stubborn. I need to teach him how to „move“ a bike (rozjet se na kole). He likes doing things but only when he can do them right. But that's the problem – you can't do things properly when you don't learn them at first. He wants to be able to do everything right away. If he was awkward ( does anybody know a better word for „nešikovný“? ) I wouldn't say a word. But he is the opposite. He just doesn't want to do things and it's driving me crazy.
How to make him do something?

as a student I attended skiing course in Beskydy and our tutor said for the beginning: The most important skill is learn how to safely fall. :-D My older daughter learnt to bike longer time than the younger, she didn´t use tradles and helping wheels unless she wasn´t sure with her balance. Her bike was as "balance bike (= odrážedlo?). Now is she happy when she can go somewhere by bike. Good luck :-)

Well, the problem is that he CAN ride a bike. But I have to run along and help him move again when he stops. I don't have a bike, I used to run with him when he was smaller and rode a smaller bike (12). It was good excercise but the bike is small for him now and the new, bigger bike (16) is faster, naturally, and I am not that quick :-).
And I am not able to force him to sit on the bike and try to move the bike by himself. He just wouldn't go if I didn't push him. He likes riding but if I told him that I would take the bike away he would say „o.k., no problem, I wouldn't ride then..“.


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