Help for English

For girls and mothers


I hope that we encourage some other mothers and girls to add to this English party :-D

One year ago I thought that I am not able to learn something English when I have to do all house chores and I have really NO time for learning because I am dead in the evening.

spring cleaning – in wikipedia is written:
however it has also come to be synonymous with any kind of heavy duty cleaning or organizing enterprise. A person who gets their affairs in order before an audit or inspection could be said to be doing some spring cleaning.

Hi. Mothers seem to be very busy and maybe very tired.
I like „My Best Friends Wedding“ with Julia Roberts and in this movie I heard the song „I say a little prayer“. I was really very surprised when I read the lyrics of this song. I used to hear this song in Czech when I was younger (Helena Vondráčková). In English it is funnier. And my questions is this: Have you got similar experience? Were any lyrics more serious or funnier than you have expected? Thank you for your responses.

Hello. Yes, very busy. Son is in hospital with granny. Daughter and the youngest one have fever and stomachache… still the same. At least the oldest is at kindergarten.

Fife, with the funny or serious – I dream of reading Terry Pratchet in English and understand the jokes. I know it's nearly impossible as the conotations are to the people, films and other topic related to culture of UK closely.

I forgot about the books. I have Výchova dívek, Výchova kluků (this one is really useful for understanding not only sons but husband as well :-D

which reminds me…

and this one even more practical one :-D…

Books- definitely Koncept kontinua (I'm not fanatic natural mother, but some points I feel very deeply as crucial for child's happy li­fe.)

and Bezplenková komunikační metoda – another interesting thing with natives in India or Africa – children doesn't need nappies, because their mother feel (see, hear) when they want to … I happend to come across this method with my second one, and it works! I knew, my husband knew, even grandmothers learned to distinguished babies sounds for pee. All my children used potty at and early age, knew what it is for and were withnout a nappie at ages of 19, 16, 16 and 18 months – with some accidents until two years or so. They all used toilet or potty for big events (?) since the age of six months for sure, I found it very comfortable and moneysaving, allthough we use cloth nappies.

Homemaking – I'm not really gut at it. I hope I get better with children older and not ruining every plant and decoration I put up.

Is anyone's child/ren simply not able to stay healthy the past couple of months? It seems like my children (ages 9 and 13) are playing tag team sickness – one is sick for a few days, then goes back to school, then the other one gets sick for a few days, goes back to school, then the first one is sick again. My son hasn't had a full week of school in a month! This is getting crazy! I can't keep them home all the time… thankfully spring break is coming up, so hopefully we can get everyone well again. :-( :-( :-( :-(

I fully understand. My daughter had mumps and the doctor told me that there would be no surprise if other children were sick.

Last two months my girls were only 2 weeks at kindergarten – now they all three have third series of TV show called „flu, cough and runny nose“ :-( Although they are very creative children and like to play at home, we all hope there will be no sequel :-D

Hi brave wives! We have to focus on something nice (and in English). What about this: Not enough Indians…
Have a nice day.

Well, Fife, that a tough one.

I found this…

Cifka, I have a lot to do, but I was drinking green tea and watching „Mens brain womens brain“ and you know, it is not easy to drink HOT tea and laugh at the same time :-D Thank you.

I have heard something similar. The lady described Womens Brain like washing mashine…

I like My fair Lady, Chicago, Starci na chmelu…but I have never seen JCS and West side story and I am really looking forward to seeing it, but I do not know when.

Ladies, great relax with those songs :-) Do you know any original Czech song in English? I have always wanted to compare Czech and English lyrics but I never have done.

whole song…

I found the whole one in czech with K. Gott and M. Hollanová.

Cifka: wonderful, oom-pa-pa, tra-la-la :-)


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