Help for English

stay the night


Viděla jsem větu:
„You will stay the night, won´t you?“ (Zůstaneš přes noc, že?)

Proč ta věta není: You will stay in the night :?:

Ale asi se to tak prostě říká anglicky: zůstaneš noc.

Stay over – znamená totéž? nebo se používá i jinak než ve významu přes noc?

It isn't „stay in the night“ because it just isn't :) If anything, it should be „stay overnight“ (not „stay over the night“) but „stay the night“ is perfectly acceptable usage.

if you encountered this sentence in spoken language, i believe you might have actually heard „stay tonight“, but because of the way it was pronounced it might have given you the impression that it was „stay the night“.

Roman29B: I have read that sentence in a small book of grammar. I often must get used to some expression. „Stay the night“ is clearer now. I think „stay tonight“ means only evening, shorter time that „stay the night“. But in spoken English is everything possible :-)


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