Help for English

What's your favorite TV series?


Dexter, Season 3, 9/10

Six Feet Under, Season 4, 9/10

Dexter, Season 4, 10/10

my favourite the series is stargate atlantis cos i love new technologies and this series is full of them :-)

I like Dead like me.

Glee, Season 1: 8/10, Glee music: 10/10, Sue Silvester character: 11/10, first non-action, non-sci-fi, no-real-plot, pseudoromantic TV series I really liked.

…just bought Black Books Complete for about 4 pounds.

Where did you purchase it? Free delivery or what?

I remember at old chinese animated series Calabash Brothers. It was my favorite animated serial at that age becouse of fight scenes.…

Well, on Amazon but obviously my delivery was much bigger. I had to buy some books for me and mz feiends so on that occasion I also bought BB. Of course in the price I didnt't count the packaging and mailing fee.

Are you sure it was 4 pounds? Because I think it costs 7.

Anyway, you can try or sometimes. The prices are usually similar and they charge only one pound for postage and packaging.

Wow, looks awesome. I'll try sometime. The first one doesn't work for me at this moment.

Sorry, it's

Thanks, it works like a charm now :) By the way, have you been satisfied with delivery and all? I mean, are these sites trustworthy?

Of course! Do you think I would even mention anything that I'm not happy with? :-)

There are other sites too, but these are my favourite. P&P for a pound is more than fair :-)

And if you want no p&p charges at all, visit


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