Help for English

For girls and mothers


Hello everybody! I am glad that I have found something for mothers and women and girls. My favourite topics are marriage and everything about children. I am a homemaker. I am at home with my two years old son these days. I would like to share this: If it is possible I am listening to BBC RADIO and there is a programme BOOK OF THE WEEK and now you can listen to : Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. I like it very much.

It seems, that this is (not) the (right) place where I can share my favourite English songs witht lyrics etc. I like it because of the possibility to improve my (and maybe your)vocabulary.…
Maybe one day some girl or mother will hear this song and read my words and maybe the discussion For girls and mothers will go on.

:-D Mum song, funny and crazy enough :-) Nice vocabulary at all – I must think about what else I have told to my children :-)

For me were these commands completaly new:
…I have condensed it in :-) :
Strap on your seat belt!
Grap your coat and you gloves!
You´ll thank me for the counsel I gave you so willingly
not to roll your eyes at me
do not burp or I will set you straight
get your story straight
you´re too old to act this way

There are a lot of commands in song I don´t understand very well, could somebody explaint it to me, please:

1) Don´t shovel
2) Don´t be rough
3) never take a dare
4) fold your clothes
5) put your stuff away
6) makes you welcome everywhere you roam
7) take a bite maybe two of the stuffs you hate
8) get an „A“
9) get the door
10) don´t get smart with me
11) get a grip
12) get a job
13) get a life
14) get a PHD
15) you´re grounded untill your´re 36
16) a place for everything
17) get your PJ´s on – pyjamas?

Thank you for think of ordinary things in English :-)

Hi Jarmi. You have made my day. I know what is this song about because my daughters play the piano and they have to visit the orthodontist regularly every month. I have to go to bed now but I have spent this evening with the idiom: Get a Grip.

it means it seems like you've lost it so go get it…

1.(idiom) To relax; to calm down; to stop being angry; to come to one's senses or become more rational.
He needs to if he's getting that angry over such a little thing.

8)get an „A“ – I think that it means to be very good at school. In Czech republic: get „1“. They do not get 1,2,3,4,5 but A,B…

thanks, „get a grip“ now I understand very well. My two daughters (6,4) can hear something like that quite often, too. But I am afraid of future when they will say „get a grip“ to me :-)

That song reminds me some days when we have to go somewhere by bus. It was said accurately: chew slowly, but hurry, the bus is here :-D

I think „don´t get smart with me“ is: „don´t pretend to be more inteligent and clever than me“ but I´m not sure. I will look up what I could find to understand all in Mum song.

Have you tried saying it in that speed? I am not able to do it. :shock: I am going to keep trying it :-D

  1. Don't shovel

    shovel = to put large amounts of (something, such as food) into something in a quick way

    e.g. = Stop shoveling food into your mouth.

    1. Don't be rough = Don't be violent
    2. Never take a dare

    dare (n) = something dangerous, difficult or embarrassing that you try to persuade somebody to do, to see if they will do it

    1. Fold your clothes

    fold = to bend something, especially paper or cloth, so that one part lies on top of another part

    = poskládat si oblečení




    1. you're grounded until you're 36

    ground sb = to punish a child or young person by not allowing them to go out with their friends for a period of time


    Why don't you use a proper dictionary? It's all there :) Or maybe I didn't get the point ??

Jan, great :-) Thanks a lot.
I haven´t enough time for dictionary, but I will :-)

Hi Jarmil. I have tried, but for me it is impossible to sing it in that speed…Anita Renfroe is really great. I am convinced that the most important line in this song is „Don´t forget I love you..“ and it would be great if each child could hear these words every day. I avoid saying my children for example: If you are doing this I do not love you…if you are saying this you are an ugly girl…and I feel really sorry for children when I am hearing someone saying them these words. Actually even for all of us – for girls, wives, mothers I think it is very important to hear words like I love you…every day.

To Jan: How did you find this discussion that seems to be a deserted island?

Fife: I check all new posts on HFE forum :)

Hi Jan: I wonder…What about you and household chores? I suppose that you are a good student, you love English and HFE, you spend a lot of time on your PC but have you got any responsibilities at home? Have you got enough time for sport and helping at home? I am really interested in it because I do not know the way how to make my children help more at home and when they are watching something on youtube they say me that it is very important for them because they are practising their listening skills in English…In fact to be true I would like to spent more time studiing English too but you know cooking, shopping, reading books with children and many other responsibilities. I think you are a lucky boy, aren´t you? Have a nice day!

Fife: I sent you a PM since I don't think this is the right topic for me to write anything at all, hehe :)

Hi Fife :-) I haven´t known Anita Renfroe before, I like her sense of humour. I was watching some other pieces of music and speech by her. It´s a pity I don´t understand everything she says although she speaks very clearly :-( With lyrics is it still easier for me :-) I´m listening to her phe-mom-enon these days quite often and it inspire me think about ordinary things in English. By the way, have you heard Dadsense by Anita Renfroe?…enfroelyrics

How about you? (or other people too, I think „for mother and girl“ can men write something too :-)
How do you do that you can think in English?

I want to share an interesting book about relationship between parents and children:

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk…l-Listen.pdf

This book inspired authors of Czech book: Respektovat a být respektován.…y/15350.aspx

Have you heard about this book?

Hi Jarmil. I know Dadsense very well. If you did not mention it I would write you about it. I do not know this very book but I have some interesting books for parents and a couple years ago I read them quite often but now I am very busy with my children and our household and I am very sorry that I have no time to read books. If I have time I read only English books and try to study. But I think that it is not good for me and I am looking forward to reading something nice…one day…
And abou thinking in English? It is funny because sometimes I think that I am quite good mother and sometimes I think that I am the worst mother in the town. Recently I was thinking about everything what I did not teach my children…I saw them hanging laundry and I have to go and do it again and I said myself that maybe it would be necessary to prepare for them DVD and show them how to do this and that…but then I found that on youtube you can see a lot of about hanging laundry and in English you can read a lot of articles about this topic. BTW I like summer because sometimes I am looking at balconies(?) and I see that this lady washed blue clothes today and that lady washed black clothes and sometimes you can see yellow and green and red together and as far as me I would never try to wash it together…On youtube you can see for example how to sew on button. If I cannot find something in Czech then I usually try to find it in English. For example information about a new movie and I often want to know what is some song about and I am looking for lyrics. Bye

Hi girls and mothers, I'm mother of two (4,2). It is very difficult to find time to learn English at home alone. There are still too many things to do first during the day. Anyway I don't give it up! It is necessary to use every minute of the day. I had good idea several years ago. I just stuck a new grammar or unknown words/phrases to the wall of toilet and bathroom. I change the sheet time to time and it works. Just a few minutes a day makes miracles :-)
To Fife: Thank you for the Momsong. :-D

today I was watching how English speaking people do their laundry and I really :shock: what kind of machine they use. Wow, English is one very diferent world :-D… :-)


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