Help for English

For girls and mothers


To jarmil: I like to read comments below such videos

to janaV: I used to attend (5 minutes every day is better than nothing) :-)
I like to listen to BBC radio 4 and every day I heard the word DISTINGUISH and I had to look it up again and again and then I had to put a paper with this word and several others on my fridge door. I absolutely agree with you. It works.…_my_fri.html

Hello girls and Jan :-) I'm laughing at the mum's song. I have heard it, but it's always brilliant.

Well, I was in Beroun on Saturday and inspired by all those good students, I decided to work hard on my english speaking and writing. I have four little children and the cheeky youngest one wouldn't let me write st more.


He's asleep, finaly.

Flashcards are great, I'm going to make a huge box of them, I promised myself yesterday. I write new word down – somewhere, but I hardly ever read it more than once. Box of flashcard could solve the problem. I want to go through the words and take out those I learned.

Fife, I tried to read RR (Respektovat a být respektován) several times, but never finished the book. Anyway, I know the rules, I use some of the sentences offered and it really helps.

As for the household, I've just cleaned all windows and I'm expecting spring to come soon.

uá, finally :oops: writing is really difficult for me, sorry for that.

Hi Cifka :-) I took part in RR course two years ago and it helps me a lot with communication (not only with children). I had read a lot of books about children before but this one is a bit different. :-) It´s interesting how it works only to change of words and I can feel a sense of peace and well-being between me and children.

This approach uses Montessori education so we will see how it will works at school – children attend M. nursery and will follow to M. school.

JanaV, Fife: I will try to write new vocabulary on sheet of paper and stick it where children cannot reach 8-). Or maybe a bit lower – in case that they will learn it too :-D
It will contain Mom song and…_chores.html

Hi girls. I cannot believe my eyes. It is great to read your contributions. Books…You can see in my bookcase for example: Děti a hranice, Jak naučit děti hodnotám, Jak přežít dospívání svých dětí, Dvě strany lásky…I am glad, that I had an opportunity to read them, I think that they are interesting and useful but when I was thinking about this discussion I would like to write something about role models (According to Wikipedia:
The term role model generally means any „person who serves as an example, whose behaviour is emulated by others“ )BTW How many times are you able to repeat this two words? :?:

Well I thought (I was thinking?) about what was most important to me and I found that for example my sister, my schoolmate having baby when we were studiing (and I had an opportunity to help her) and many other mothers have influenced me and some of my attitudes and the way how to solve various problems. I am really grateful for those situations in my past.

To jarmil: Thank you very much for the link. RINSE THE DISHES…
Tomorrow I am going to put this list on my fridge door. There is a bus timetable there and some recipes and a lot of magnets for my little child at the bottom…

To jarmil: Thank you very much for the link. RINSE THE DISHES…
Tomorrow I am going to put this list on my fridge door. There is a bus timetable there and some recipes and a lot of magnets for my little child at the bottom…

To jarmil: Thank you very much for the link. RINSE THE DISHES…
Tomorrow I am going to put this list on my fridge door. There is a bus timetable there and some recipes and a lot of magnets for my little child at the bottom…

Fife: role models – nice new word :-) I would say only „an example“, – my English is still in its infancy :oops:

I agree, speeches and books are good but role models influence more :shock:

(I am jarmi, but I don´t mind jarmil :-). I have registrated here many years ago and didn´t come here, so I forgot my login for jarmi. That´s why this pages attends jarmi(one) :-)

To household chores are some I hope interesting readings on…chores.shtml :-D

Hi girls. Maybe it is very easy but I do not know how to translate GET THE PHONE/DOOR. Thank you.

Dictionaries helped me to find the answer and get it :-D :
Can you answer the door (=open it after someone has knocked or pressed the bell)?

get the door – American English (=open or close it for someone)
Here, let me get the door for you.

answer the phone : I rang his house but his mother answered the phone (=picked it up when it rang).

advanced Oxford
make/receive /get a phone call

An example: Get the phone = answer the phone.

Thank you very much. I am not used to using (maybe this sentence is a nonsense..) the Longman dictionary. I usually look for an unknown word on because I can hear there how I should pronounce it.
Creativehomemaking seems to be very useful (especially for me). :-)

Fife: At last I know exactly what does word „chores“ mean: I haven´t known this word before :shock:

Hi. We are going to be experts on this topic. BTW your 5minuteenglish reminds me " 6 minute English" on BBC Radio and „Hen and stag parties“ that I have listened to recently.
Have a nice day (with English).


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