Help for English

For girls and mothers


Ukázka z americké verze muzikálu Hamlet od Janka Ledeckého. Píseň Sister (Sestro) a Let's rise above this world (Na vteřin pár)…

Could You, Would You, Should You…

Here somebody can´t catch their breath with this song:…uld-you.html

I don´t often listen to a cover version but I don´t mind it.
This one I like more than with I.B.
Do you like a cover?


Good morning everybody. Maybe if we did not know that it is „our“ song we would not have any problem with it. On the other hand kids love Maxim Turbulenc and their versions (Sluníčko …¨) but this is not my cup of tea. When I have recently discovered Dean Martin and his Tie a yellow ribbon and other songs and when I now have an opportunity to read more about this songs in Wikipedie – well, this is my cup of tea
:-) :-) :-)

Girls and mothers :-),
may I join you?
My English is not as good as yours but I need to practise. I feel like I'm stuck. I like learning English but right now, I'm kind of lazy and I can't persuade myself to do something. I hope I will „unstick“ here in your discussion 8-) :-D .

Hi Chocolatka. Hi everybody. I think that we could „write for the drawer“ but we can enrich each other and learn from each other while reading and writing this contributions.
It is said that our grandmothers were singing while doing household chores or working in the field. What about your mothers? Did you hear them singing at home? And what about you? Are you used to singing at home?

Hi Chocolatka :-)
I think you are much better at English than me. 8-)
I feel like to communicate in English at the moment and I do hope that other people can learn from my mistakes too :-)

Fife: with children is easy to sing at home. They sometimes prefer evening songs to fairy tail (or they want both) :-)

Welcome Chocolatka. :-)

Singing: I don't remember my mother singing while washing dishies. She used to sing in a car, my father as well. I loved that. I used to sing a lot when I had one silent child, saying rhymes and short fairytales all the time. We read more often then sang with more children born… it was too noisy to sing one song from the beginning to the end. I talk to children mostly, sometimes in English. We sing in a car or in the evenings with guitar and plenty of rattling instruments.

I caught something from my children, l'm in bed with sore throat, fever and antibiotics.

Well, singing.. I love to sing, my mother used to sing when I was small. Just to us (me and my sister) before sleep not while cleaning or ironing.
I don't sing much. Only when I'm alone. My oldest boy doesn't like me singing, although I sing very well ;-). He is not very musical and when I wanted to sing him (when he was small) he always told me not to sing. But he likes reading and I used to read him a lot.
My middle son likes music and I used to sing to him before sleep. It was nice :-). On the contrary, he didn't like books when he was small ;-).
My youngest son is four and he likes when I sing but he doesn't want to sing with me :-).
So our situation is a little bit complicated :-D.
I keep trying to sing with my boys :-D but I'm not very successful :-). Sometimes we sing in a car but unfortunately they don't know many songs.
And as for talking or singing in English: My oldest son hates English and he absolutely refuses doing anything connected to English. I sometimes sing English songs with my middle son, he loves it :-) (but the oldest mustn't be around :-D ).

Cifka, that's too bad :-( .
I hope you'll be fit soon.
I hate being ill. I can't take care of my children properly when I have a fever.
And you have four children?? How old are they? Do you have somebody to help?

Chocolatka, nice singing puzzle :-)

I have girl 6,5, boy 5, girl 4 and boy 1,5. We live in the same town, my parents live and my mother looks after them on Fridays while I'm at school. I wasn't feeling very well this morning, but tried to go. In Prague I realized that I'm not albe to do that and went back to doctor's. My mother will finish the shift :) in twenty minutes and let my husband to look after the children.

Oh, I'm so bad at making sentences, I can see these are only Czech constructions translated into English :?

..I am sorry – connected with :-), not „connected to“ :-D

Cifka, wow, four children in five years :shock: , you are very brave :-) .
You are lucky your mum helps you when you need. What sort of school are you studying?

Don't worry, we all make mistakes :-) – look at my text ;-) :-D .


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