Help for English

For girls and mothers


Has anybody experience in looking after English speaking children in Czech Republic? Something like „miniškolka“ where are Czech and English childern together (1 or 2 mine and 1 or 2 English speaking)

Hi Chocolatka, I am used to cooking only sweet cakes of courgettes, but my sister usually prepares „bramboráky“ of it. There are many recipes (with courgettes) and I like to read them and I try to imagine how tasty it would be if I cooked something like that… :?

jarmi1, I am sorry I have no such experience :-(

Hi all brave mothers. Today I have found several American idioms and I learnt these (maybe)useful sentences:

– I am really BUSHED. I have been ON THE GO all weeklong.

– My little boy was running in the garden in his BIRTHDAY SUIT.

– The father tried to tell his son about the BIRDS AND THE BEES.

– Brake a leg!

God night, everybody.

@Fife – great idioms! The last one is BREAK a leg, and GOOD night :)

I learned from my friend in the theatre that when someone tells you BREAK A LEG, you're NOT supposed to say THANK YOU, but I can't remember what you're supposed to say!

Maybe : Čert tě vem! :-)

We say ZLOM VAZ! in our republic.

I don't have any experience, sorry.

nice idioms. What a pitty I don't understand them :oops:. I understand the first one (I'm bushed, I've been on the go) and the last (break a leg).
Birthday suit – does it mean „naked“?
Birds and the bees…
Well, I had to look it up :-). How old is your son? And what exactly did your husband tell him?

Hi Chocolatka, I think that you got it!

I like BIRTHDAY SUIT most of all.

And you know in Czech we usually speak about bees and flowers and we are trying to explain something about childbirth (and conception) :-) :-D

:-) I just don't understand how children can get it from talking about bees and flowers :-).
I told my children the truth. But I'm not an average parent (for this subject)- I studied biology at Pedagogical Faculty ;-) and I try to teach them lots of things when there is an opportunity :-D. Sometimes my husband tries to obstruct me saying: „poor boys!“ :-D

You know my children did not know any stories about crows and storks as well. They used to go through a special book for children again and again…

I think that children are able to understand many things.
„Lucky boys!“ :-D

I remember that when I had a big belly and my first child knew that inside is her brother or her sister we had a lot opportunities to speak about this topic. But I have to add that I really disliked when the adults used to ask my little daughter: Do you want a brother or a sister?
You know I understand that you can ask: „Do you want milk or juice?“ And then you are going to give the person for example milk. But I think that if you ask somebody: „Do you want cheese or chocolate?“ and if the person says cheese, you give him/her the other thing?

I am not sure if anybody who is reading these my words understand what I would like to try to say, but I really „hate“ the simple question: „Do you want a brother or a sister?“(I think that this question is unfair.)

And what about you , readers? I think, that you do not have any problem with this question,do you?

I have heard another stupid cliché: (We have 2 girls and the youngest is boy). You can imagine what it is :-D

I tried to say that we would be happy with 3 girls or 3 boys but I realised that they really don´t want to hear any answer. It´s only other way to say „These are cute children“ .

I fully understand.
We've got three boys and even now, when somebody finds this out, is convinced that we tried to have a girl.
Ironically, if I had been able to choose, I would have chosen a boy :-). Nobody believes :-).
When I was pregnant and somebody asked me: „What would you like to have?“, I answered: „A child.“ 8-)

English clichés: :shock:

I really do understand you girls. I hate such stupid questions as well. Everyone asked me what we are going to have. I used to say… I'm totally sure it is a boy, for 50%

Our son was totally confused when I told him that in my big belly is a baby, but there is no baby in grandpa's

Now we have one boy and one girl. Honestly I rather wanted either two boys or two girls. Because I had a sister and we had amazing relationship. I believe the difference between boys and girls doesn't allow something like this … I hope I'm wrong now
Anyway I love them not because their sex but themselves!

I hope you understand what I mean

Hi mothers. Thank you all.

I would like to share with you something, what I like, but, you know, we are going to change our clocks and watches by one hour and I really do not like it. :-(

But if you want to read something interesting, I have found this today:…aving/k.html

What abou you? Do you like these changes?

Good „short“ night! :-( :-)

Have a nice Sunday!

If I had my way, we'd stay on summer time (we call it „daylight savings time“ in the US) all year. I always prefer having the extra light in the evening.

And speaking of which – is it just me, or does anyone else remember it getting dark much earlier in winter than it has in recent years? I seem to recall that when I was working in the early 90's, it would be dark outside at 4 pm in the winter, and now it seems like it never gets dark before 4:30 or even later. Maybe less pollution?

Today I have read an advertisement for tomorrow´s issue of Lidové noviny: There is more than 40 schools in Czech Republic where children are taught in English.…/ln_veda.asp?…

I can´t see how good child have to be at English to attend this sort of school. He or she can´t know English only from school lessons. Am I right?


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