Help for English

For girls and mothers


thanks. That's interesting.
But I'm not sure about how the teacher can mark knowledge of geography when a pupil is not very good at English.. I know he told that he speaks Czech at the beginning and at the end of the lesson, but still.. I wonder if children have to speak in English as well and if tests are also in English.

do you think it is different now? I didn't realize any difference but I haven't had regular „režim dne“ (??daily mode? – does anybody know?) since my 18th birthday ;-), so I can't say and I have never observed it.

@Choco – I don't know, it just seems that way. I mean, the air is definitely cleaner now that it was 20 years ago now that people don't burn brown coal in the city anymore. Daily regime :)

@Jarmi – they teach subjects in English from prima at Novy PORG gymnasium. The kids really like it a lot. The first year they have science and „esteticka vychova“ (I don't even know how to say that in English), and then they add other subjects every year: (…bni_npg.html). You have to have very good English to be accepted to the gymnazium, though – i think they require level B2. I quite like it, but I am biased!

wow, we can test our knowledge in the same test which kids did:

Where are you – mothers and girls? :-)
It was very hot „summer“ weather yesterday, it was very fine :-). It's raining right now but it's good for plants.
I started to plan our holiday :-). We would like to go to the Alps for a couple of days.
Where would YOU like to go for your holidays?

What word should I use to say „příspěvek do diskuze“? A posting??

You can say „a post“.

I already know that we will be spending a few weeks this summer in the US – we'll go to the beach in North Carolina for a week with my mother, then my kids will spend a week with my father while my husband and I have some time for ourselves, and then we're planning to do a little road trip for a week with the kids. Not sure quite where yet, but somewhere up north where it's a bit cooler!

I can't believe this school year's almost over..... :shock:

Hi Chocolatka. I am here – in my kitchen (busy and tired as usually). But Saturday and Sunday were fantastic days!
We are going to plan holiday mainly for our children. Last summer we wanted to paint our flat (at least the living room – nothing happened :-( :-D )
But it is really necessary to „do something“ in our flat this summer…/BUT always goes in the middle of the sentence :-D :-D /

I would like to study English every day but I am able to forget completely everything important…
I feel old and inefficient but I think that I am quite happy :-) – with my husband and with my children.

Brave mothers, can you write me, how many minutes a day are you able to learn (do you study) English?

Hope you all feel comfy and never have heard: „Why are you wearing that?“ :-)…4c03286.html

I would like to go to the US :-). I'd like to visit national parks.

about learning English – I studied every day and intensively when I prepared for FCE. Then I forced myself to take a break. My intention was to have one month totally free of English because I was guite tired. But I got lazy :oops: :-( and wasn't able to start studying again. I just read English books, watch English tv series (unfortunatelly with Czech subtitles) and play Seabase Delta (downlowded from HFE).
My studying is now only about looking up new words while I'm reading. I need to start with a proper studying.
And what I need the most is talking, talking, talking!

very nice article :-D . My kids are small and they are boys :-) so I have a chance I'll never hear that 8-). But I think I must be careful when they will bring their girlfriends one day :-D.
My wardrobe consists only of comfortable functional sports clothes :oops:.

jarmi1, I know this question very well. You know – my mother, not my daughters. :-)
And she usually adds: „I am going to take you to my hairdresser!“

it's not so bad :-) if your mother's hair­dresser is skillfull 8-). My mother would tell me: „You should go to a hairdresser!“ I know I should but I don't like hairdressers.. The only good hairdresser I was satisfied with was in the town I was born and lived almost twenty years before.
Well, there is another one, in Prague, actually – but he cut my hair two years before and it was very expensive (it was a present). I haven't been to a hairdresser since :oops:.

Near the square in Olomouc there is the fastest hairdresser I have ever met. I really don't like that she always cuts my hair in ten minutes or less. It´s awful, no relax, as I am used to :-) I prefer go longer way to another hairdresser to have my hair cut by her :-D

Wow, a fast hairdresser :-). Does she do nice haircuts? If so, I would like going there :-).

she doesn't cut hair too badly but for me cutting hair is connected with relax. When you come to Olomouc may I invite you for a cup of chocolate? :-)

Olomouc is quite far away from Prague but if I go there at some time I'll gladly come :-).


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