Help for English

For girls and mothers


Hi girls and mothers!
Have you ever heard or read about a CHILD PRODIGY?
I have read about Akiane recently but I do not know what I should think about it. It is really interesting, I like some of her pictures very much.

Do you know a child prodigy?

Have a nice week!

I have never heard about Akiane. I had to look it up.
Her work is really amazing, though I don't like it very much. It looks like pictures in Jehovists' books.
What I found interesting is this: „•At 4, had a life-changing spiritual transformation, bringing the family to God.“ I would like to know more about the spiritual transformation.
She is very skillfull, at any rate.

Hi girls (I wonder if any girl is reading this) and mothers and boys and everybody!
I know there is nice weather and you are in your gardens…
Have you heard the song Peter Cottontail sung by Marek Vít?
And do you know, that there is The MOM SONG by Matt Epp on HFE?
Nobody told me :-(

I like this song. It could be my theme song these days. My husband does not know that lyrics but he uses the same words:

And you say:
Baby, how are you 5) __________ ?
How's your 6) __________?
I'm going by the 7) __________,
Can I 8) __________ you something?
I'll be home 9) __________

And what about you and your theme song?

Have a nice Sunday and Monday and Tuesday and… :-) :-) :-)

Hi Fife, I like this line! Don't worry and keep writing. Usualy I am very tired to write and often I have nothing interesting to tell you.
BTW I like the Mom Song too. Thanks for reminder. I haven't heard it for so long!

Easter is gone… Do you have any interesting idea what to do with so many boiled eggs :-D

Hi Jana, thank you so much.
As far as me – we have no eggs, no problems, no interesting ideas :-)
I prepared few eggs for my daughters and my sons brought home only 4 eggs and a lot of ginger-breads and chocolate and yesterday I met a little boy who brought home two „řízky“ instead of dyed Easter eggs…the time is changing

I found that there are o lot of quiZZes on Internet with the title: WHAT IS YOUR THEME SONG?
I have read some of them, I practised my vocabulary because for example I found colour MAROON and then I looked up a list of colours – I have read the names of them for the first time.
It was actually useful for me – not only TIME-WASTER

Hi Chocolatka you are really a smart student :-)
I like your SLOW train…

I was very surprised, when I found all the meanings of the word TRAIN :
- long train wedding dress, short prom dress with a train
- a camel train
- a train of events/thoughts

The question on HELP forum SET IN TRAIN my new English discovers
Maybe this is not the best using of this expression, but the word TRAIN is really something special :-)

you are very hard-working :-).
The meanings of the word „train“ also surprised me.

As for the songs – I knew the Mom Song, it fits for us, doesn't it? :-) I don't know the other song, I have to find it.

As for Easter we spent all three days at our weekend house partly celebrating „Jiří“, partly at hospital because my husband had broken his big toe. I made only ten eggs. I decorate them with colours and then with wax. Our sons brought only two eggs each and they're almost eaten up. So are the chocolates :-D. (Well, I helped them a little bit :oops: 8-)).

I've just heard Peter Cottontail sung by Marek and it's really good!
I was just about to take out my guitar but there's no time. It's been covered with dust already. I haven't played for a long long time. Maybe tomorrow I'll find a few minutes.

A dough for „buchty“ is fluffing, it'll be ready in about ten minutes, I have to go and prepare fillings.

Hi Chocolatka and everybody!
Yesterday I thought, that I would be able to explain the difference between
A little water and A little car and little water

but guess what :?:

Today I have been watching some songs on youtube with my little child and when I saw:

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

I said only OMG what is THIS??????

I'm sorry I don't understand.. What's wrong with the little star?

I miss the article. I do not know, how to explain to somebody, that there is no possible to use the article:

twinkle twinkle (a/the) little star

I know that this is not OK, but WHY?

I am sorry. Maybe I am only TOO tired this evening.
I understand that I am A Mother but my children call me (without any article) only: MOTHER!
(but why? :-( )

Let it be…

because „oslovujeme, voláme“ without any article, that's a rule.

I see

Thank you very much. You are really kind. Yesterday I found (by chance) this:…a-deal-.html

I have heard something about it but I did not know how it works. If you have not read it yet maybe it could be interesting for you.

Have a nice week and thank you once more.

thank you for your nice words :-). I love to be kind :-).
…well, and that remindes me that I'm always not sure when to use „I love to do“ and when „I love doing“. I have to go and look it up.

I think I have already read the article but I'll read it again.
How to say „to neuškodí“?

My good old Murphy says:
Afer „love“ you can use -ing or to + infinitive.
Often it doesn't matter whether you say „I like doing“ or „I like to do“.
We usually say „I like doing“ when „like“ means „enjoy“.
When „like“ doesn't mean „enjoy“, we use „I like to do“.
For example:
I like to wash my hair twice a week. – this doesn't mean that I enjoy it, I just think it is a good thing to do


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