Help for English

Ice Hockey


Dobrý den,
myslím, že název topicu mluví za vše. Opakoval jsem si slovní zásobu ohledně tohoto sportu a narazil na pár výrazů, které nemohu přeložit a svou odpověď jsem ani na internetu nenašel. Doufám, že byste mi s tím mohli pomoct.. :-)

1)posoudit – zákrok, gól
2)udělit trest
3)vypadnout – z šampionátu
5)vyřadit – nějaký tým
6)obhájit – vítězství

Vím, že pro tyto slova by byl nejeden překlad, ale jde mi hlavně o jejich překlad v souvislosti s hokejem, jak by se to doopravdy řeklo.


Hmmm, I'll give it a try – I welcome any corrections from people more sporty than me :)

1) posoudit – not sure about this in relation to sport…to referee?
2) udelit trest – to penalize, to give someone a penalty
3) vypadnout – to be eliminated from the championship. The Slovaks were eliminated from the championships.
4) postoupit – to move on, to move on to the next round
5) vyradit – to eliminate or knock out – The Czechs knocked the Slovaks out of the championship.
6) obhajit – to defend – Team X is defending their championship. Team X is defending their gold medal from 2010.

I find it very scary that there are words that I have difficulty remembering in English, but I understand it perfectly fine in Czech. I've been living here too long :D

  1. I'd simply say ‚judge‘
    1. as above
    2. same
    3. as above or ‚to advance‘
    4. as above
    5. as above or ‚retain‘

Thanks a lot. :-)

Thanks, too :) Advance is probably better for sure.

„Obhajeni“ doesn't mean that they've actually retained the title, does it? THere has to be a game first to see who wins…and the winner from last year is defending their title? Or am I reading it wrong?

Američanka: You're right.

I don't want to bother to much but some other expressions just crossed my mind so it'd be nice of you to help me once more :)

I wonder how to translate these words:
1) vést/prohrávat – V zápase proti USA vedeme/prohráváme 2:0. (please don't take it bad:))
2) dostat gól – get a goal? This is likely to be wrong but I can't think of any better translation.
3) hrát o medaili – I have no idea how this expression should be translated…

Thank you

a " dostat výprask a jet domů" ?:)

  1. play for a medal – by to mohlo být dle google translator, ale kontrolně to lze najít na internetu v různých větách, takže bych tomu věřila

vést/prohrávat o x goalů – lead/lose by x goals
dostat goal – concede a goal
dát goal – score a goal

I'm a big football fan, but the expressions are the same :-)

Je možné použít výraz DROP OUT of competition – vypadnout ze soutěže? Děkuji za názor.

Idiomaticky titulek z
Jagr's trick pushes Czechs past U.S., into semifinals

vést/prohrávat o x goalů – agree with Johnnie

dostat gol – score/score a goal
hrat o medaili – play for a medal – play the silver medal game, play for the gold medal.

I would highly recommend reading the articles on – they use lots and lots and LOTS of all the interesting expressions for all the things you're looking for – it's quite a treasure trove of sports writing. :)

To SCORE (a goal) is not DOSTAT gól but VSTŘELIT/DÁT gól. DOSTAT gól is indeed ‚to CONCEDE‘.

I believe you, but it just seems weird. Who „dostats“ the goal – the team who scored or the other team?


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