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Ahoj, chtel jsem se zeptat. Cetl jsem si o filmu „Back to the Future“ – o klukovi, kterej cestuje casem (through time)coz chapu diky clanku tady je „time“ bez clenu. Proc je ale „the future“, vsude vidim „the past“ – je to prece nepocitatelny!!?
Diky moc za pripadne vysvetleni.

člen určítý nesouvisí s počitatelností. viz články o členech (stačí do vyhledávače zadat členy )

to bossmartyn: díky za tento dotaz. Ujasnila jsem si alespoň rozdíl mezi
IN FUTURE a IN THE FUTURE, což se mi bude určitě „do života“ někdy in the future hodit :-)

adv in future
after this; from now on – Don't do that in future. příště

Don't do that in THE future…

Hi americanka. I have read this:

Am I wrong?

And what about: Don't say that in future!

Don't say that in future – BrE
Don't say that in THE future – AmE

I am a little bit confused :-)…es/1103.html

Everybody seems to be right, but…

Nejspis je to o ty britsky vs. americky. Alespon vsechny odkazy na netu k tomu smeruji. Je to americkej film, takze je to jasny :-)
diky vsem!

I don't know – „in future“ sounds Czenglish to me. I would need to ask a British person…but after looking at some websites, I'm really quite unsure. It just sounds so wrong to my ears. I personally would stick to „in the future“; the use of „in future“ as an adverbial phrase seems to be quite limited.

oxford dictionary:

in future (BrE)
(NAmE in THE future)
from now on
please be more careful in future

Still sounds weird to me 8-) But I've put the question up on a forum for expats and will let you know…

Ok, I stand corrected. „In future“ is indeed BrE, and means „from now on“.

In future, don't torture the cat, he'll scratch you.

See – even we native speakers can learn something new :D


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