Help for English

For girls and mothers


Congratulations to you, too :-D !

Jarmi, I don't know anything similar to Cimrmans, but English humour is very specific too. I like Monty Pythons 8-) and Mr. Bean :-).

Yesterday I was supposed to read Flashforward (in English) as I usually do while waiting for my sons. They (the two younger) do gymnastics and it's every Monday and Wednesday. I have to wait at the hall outside the gym. I quite like it because I have one hour just for myself 8-) . I usually read but yesterday I didn't feel like reading, so I listened to English songs at least and tried to hear every word. I listened to Carpenters. I really like Karen's voice and she pronounces perfectly.

Cifka, you are very hard-working :shock: !!

Cifka, thanks for the links :-).

Chocolatka, no, I'm only too lazy (or ill) to clean the house or do the ironing :oops:


if I leave aside wishes like „health“, „no money problems“ etc., one of my wishes has always been to be able to play the piano. When I was a child, my parents didn't let me learn to play the piano. We lived in a block of flats and they thought that playing would disturb our neighbours and they said that I wouldn't endure practising anyway.
Then I learnt to play the guitar by myself when I was 16 (I stopped after finishing University) and I learnt to play the recorder when I was 18. But the wish is still in my head :-).
The year before last year I found an electronic piano under the Christmas tree and I was really happy :-). I found a lecturer and she started teaching me. Unfortunatelly, I was ill for a long time and repeatedly and I needed to safe energy for my recovery.
Last autumn I learnt for FCE test, in January I was relaxing and the piano stays covered at the corner..

the ironing is waiting for me too :oops: .
But it's an „old“ pile of clothes from last week.
We bought a new washing machine last Friday and we decided to buy a tumble dryer as well.
I washed the clothes on Sunday and it was fun 8-) . I just folded the clean washing, only shirts needed to be ironed.

Chocolatka, Chocolatka…a tumble dryer?

„Line drying clothing is energy efficient, more gentle on clothing and good exercise.“…otheline.htm

Just kidding!

Fife :-) .
I don't mind line drying ;-), I just hate ironing :-D . And I'm not able to hang up the clothes and then pick it at the right time when it is not hard dried.

Hi there.
Chocolatka, thank you very much for sharing your piano story.
I used to play the piano when I was small. I had no talent. I had always stage fright. It was horrrible.
My fingers were always shaking when I had to play in front of my peers. I did not practise a lot, but I have never wanted to quit. Sad story? I do not regret. I am able to play according to the notes simple melodies. When my daughter started to play the piano I was able to show her how to play the song. She thought, that her mother knew, how to do it.
Everybody knows (at least one boy and three brave mothers) that I like Amy Chua.
Cifka, jarmi1, Chocolatka and others reading these words. What do you think? What is your view? What about you or your child/children and learning to play a musical instrument? If your child would like to quit it, would you insist on going on? It is not easy if you have to make your child each day practise the piano or violin or ukulele…Do you think, that it is better to allow quiting?

Girls, I have a big problem to express my thoughts in English. Yesterday I was practising word formation.
Do you think that it would be better to start this very topic as „nové vlákno“?

I love my children most when they are asleep. 8-) (they are not) :-D

To Cifka: I do understand you! :-D And I love Maternity leave when my children are with grandparents for the night ;-)

I am always moved when my children let me sleep in the morning – it sometimes happened and they played quietly :-) I promised them to do a big cake if they let me sleep in the night as well – it will be a celebration in our family :-D

We all love our children most when they are asleep :-D .

my oldest son learnt to play the piano. I know it was partly because of my own wish 8-) but I wanted to try..
When he was in the first grade, he learnt at home and a lecturer used to come to our flat. It lasted several month, then he passed tests for Music school (I don't know how to say „Zuš-hudebka“ and started to attend the school.
It was horrible. Not because of his teacher (she was quite strict but a good teacher) but because of his laziness and some circumstances. He used to be very responsible pupil in the first grade. He used to do homework that didn't have to be done. In the second grade everything changed. He was lazy, he didn't want to do any homework at all, he always cried when he had to do any task. And he didn't want to practise playing the piano..
I persisted six month. He played quite well, he has got skilful hands. But he is not very musical (as I have written before – he doesn't like singing). It was almost impossible to make him practise. He is very jelous of his younger brother and he couldn't stand that he didn't need to do anything (he was at the kindergarten that time).
And besides of this, our youngest was one year old, I had to take him with us. We had to leave our flat at half past eleven twice a week and he was used to eating later (because he used to have breakfast at nine). We hurried to pick up Jirka from school, then really hurried to the Music school, then we had to wait for an hour and we had to be quite (impossible with one-year-old). It was time of sleeping, but usually he couldn't fall asleep. After the lesson, we hurried back to the kindergarten to pick up the middle boy and we landed at home at four o'clock.
It was unbearable. If he was good at music I would have persisted on attending the Music school.
(Please, somebody, check the conditionals for me 8-) ).

Adam, the middle, learns to play the recorder at school. At first he practised a lot and with enthusiasm. Now he doesn't want to go and practise but when I tell him, he does it and he plays quite well. He is musical, he can sing. But playing the recorder is not difficult. I don't know if I let him quit learning the piano if he didn't want to practise. I think I wouldn't because I think he could do it and it could be fun (one day) to play some songs.
It depends on the kid and on the situation.

jarmi1, I do not understand. What means : I am moved?
something like this: I am thrilled?
I wish you a lot of big cakes. :-D

I'm sorry for the mistakes, I feel tired 8-) .
I hope you will understand :-) .
Why isn't here a winking smiley?



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