Help for English

For girls and mothers


you won't be able to see the flowers under the weeds…

Kind of like „you can't see the forest for the trees“ – „you can't see the flowers for the weeds“ :)

@Chocolatka: I live in a house in a small town about 25km from Prague. The birds are going mad here, ready for spring, ready to make baby birds :) My allergies kicked in yesterday, too. But no flowers yet. We planted a bunch of tulip bulbs last fall – we went to Amsterdam for the fall break and bought one of those big bags of bulbs. Hopefully they didn't all get eaten by the mice and shrews over the winter – our lawn is a mess of dug-up burrows, so I'm a bit scared! We saw crocuses at the zoo yesterday in the south-facing slopes and gardens.

And „persist“ is better :)

thanks a lot :-).
It doesn't matter you're not a girl :-D. I appreciate help from anybody ;-). I like everyone who corrects my mistakes 8-) .

I've just seen your profile – you're really an American :-). And you are a teacher.. Do you speak Czech or only English in your lessons?
I hope your dutch bulbs will grow at last :-).

you could help with this sentence.. will you, please?:
„Everything had been going on fine until we passed a little pizza-shop.“ (it's from my story about how I got lost)
Is it o.k. to use „going on“ or should I use only „going“?

Hi Chocolatka,

I'm really an real American :) I teach young children, so I use some Czech during the lessons, otherwise they'd get very frustrated…

As as for your sentence – just „going“ :)

Fife, it's nice that your daughter likes playing in the end :-)

Chocolatka, I can't speak four languages, I learned German four years – never knew anything, two years of Spanish – I understand very little, one year of French – only basics, not much…

Chocolatka, I appreciate your attitude towards mother's freedom at birth place, it is not frequent in many disussions :-)

Fife, I got my third birth taped on a camera, but I would never put it to the internet. Only my mother and three friends – girls saw it. I love it, but unfortunately, I couldn't find it in my computer few days ago, I might have lost it :-(

„Labour Party“ :-D

Chocolatka, I live near Prague, in a house with nice garden. Big enough for four children and some friends, two beds of bushes and one for growing vegetable, one wooden swing, simple tree house for children, one apple tree, fireplace and few metres of grass, but small enough to take care of it.

Nice to see a man here, Battlefield.

Američanka, hello!

We have some crocuses, yellow and violet ones. Children count it every day. :-) Well, today they are covered by snow.

I'm ill again and I'm really fed up with it. Today I took spring clothing from the attic, sorted out all children's war­drobes, they all grow so quickly! I prepared huge bags of things we will not need anymore which I'm going to send to my friends. I'm very tired
and I hope of big value to my husband :-)

Hi everybody! I have been sleeping for the whole day. To tell the true I have studied English a little bit – in the bed. I like it – two dictionaries, three English textbooks, red, black and blue pen, my notebook…everything on my wide bed. But in the evening I have had to do some shopping and my husband told me, that today was a special day and that I had to watch the moon. It was really amazing. You know there was the big moon and stars in the sky and I was on the street with my three heavy bags…
Have a nice Sunday!


just quick joke…

Thank you, Cifka.

Hi there. What about you and Spring fever?

No medicaments, so it's much better than last two months. :-) Two children went to school and other two are still with me. Anyway, I enjoy drying laundry outside as is smell so fresh – regardless of washing powder. :-)

Oh, the oldest one and the youngest one aren't particularly best pair for playing peaceful games…

Have a nice day.

Hi everybody!
I need someone to talk to „face-to-face“, my spoken English is horrible :oops: .
I know all of you are busy, but just in case someone of you would like to meet and chat in Prague, let me know 8-).

We saw the big moon when we were returning from our „weekend-house“. There are some daffodils and blue crocuses and there is still the weed ;-). I know I should have weed it out but we spent Saturday at parents-in-law and we went back to Prague in the evening. Sunday was „shopping day“ because the boys needed new shoes and jackets.
This afternoon was great. My friend dropped her kids off at our place and I just prepared some food for them and I had a free time for myself 8-).

How are you?

Hi Chocolatka
I think that I have the same problem. I know that it is not possible to go abroad as an au pair. But I have a wish (a dream). I think that it is a realizable wish… You know if I cannot go abroad maybe a girl from England or XY could spend one week with me (in our flat). We do not have a spare room but during the holiday when my children will be „somewhere“ maybe it would be possible to offer her her „own“ room. She would not look after my children, she would not do any household chores. Her only duty would be to speak with me in English all day long
:o :-)

I could offer her an accomodation and food, show her a lot of interesting things in our town…
I can imagine, that something like this would be possible. I think, that in Prague it would be easier to find some student and spend with her for example (regularly) Saturday from time to time..(.I know words like trust, danger, to be careful, mutual confidence…)
It would be a miracle to find somebody who would like to help me this way but I believe in miracles. I think that maybe some Czech girls could be able to help me this way (The girls have an opportunity to go abroad and many of them can speak English). Do you know the word: volunteer?
(Any volunteers?).

There has been a BIG problem (just kidding) I know that it is necessary to write something like GREAT, SERIOUS, SIGNIFICAN or ENORMOUS problem with mumps in our town for many weeks and my son is not OK today…
. :?:?:

Chocolatka, I can meet you in Prague :-)

Fife, I found it !

I'm busy… :oops:

Cifka, thanks!
Elementary, my dear Watson.

it's a good idea. Maybe a student who wishes to learn about new countries could come and spend a week or two with you. You could show him (her) around. It could be useful for both of you :-).
I would like to go to England for two weeks to learn English in an intensive course. It's not impossible because my parents-in-law like our children staying with them during vacations. But I'm affraid there won't be any money to do this (or at least this year).

it would be great if we could meet and talk in English!!! :-D
My only problem is that I am shy and therefore I speak slowly because I am affraid of making mistakes. But that's the reason why I need to try!

Does anybody know good recipes for aubergine and courgettes? I haven't used it much in my cuisine. I just make a courgette pudding and it's really tasty, even my husband likes it 8-). But it's the only meal with courgettes I cook. I would like to try cooking other recipes.


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