Help for English

For girls and mothers


Choco, my kids are the same way – if they can't do it right away, they get very frustrated and give up on the activity easily. It must be something we inadvertently instilled in them, but I don't have any idea how, or how to „cure“ it. :(

Fortunately one of my VERY sporty friends taught my son to ride his bike – he's an excellent teacher and very patient. I was able to teach my daughter myself – but with much teeth gnashing and tears. :)

I am glad that I am not the only person with such problems :-).
My son learnt to ride a bike quite soon and quickly. He got a running bike when he was 2,5 and he rode it („run“ it) during summer. It's really a good thing to learn balance. Thank to the running bike he could ride a bike in one day. He only needed to learn to pedal. But it's been almost two years and although we haven't ridden much I think he should know how to move the bike by himself by now.
I'm sad about it because he could do it IF he only wanted a little bit!
My oldest son is, on the contrary, „motorically unskilled“ and he learnt to ride a bike at the age of six. It lasted longer, it cost me a lot of patience but he was strenuous and we both were happy about the result :-). I was proud of him.

..I was thinking..
Is it OK to use „soon“ in this sentence:
„he learnt to ride soon“
Can I use „early“ instead of „soon“?

You SHOULD use „early“ instead of „soon“ – soon is for future events. I will go to work soon. :)

I wish the running bikes had been more common when my son was learning – it would have really helped. But in the end it worked out ok :)

Američanka, thanks :-).
So, he learnt to ride early and I hope he'll learn to go without my help soon :-).

Hi Chocolatka, I ‚m not able to force my little daughter to do anything, as well… even if we both want the same. The problem is „I have told her what to do“. I can persuade her only if she has the target which is completely different, but force her to do what I need ;-)
I mean if I need her to put her shoes on. I tell her about something interesting outside than I don‘t need to tell her: „Put your shoes on“ several times :-) She wants to do it!

May be your son just doesn’t have good reason to ride the bike… And he knows that you will help him every time he would need to force because you want him to ride. You can find out some activity which cannot be done without the bike, but the riding is not the most important thing in this activity… I don’t know if you understand what I mean.

I understand and I think you're right. He knows I'll help him if I want him ride. But he is very very stubborn. Once, we went shopping (just the two of us). He rode half of the way and then he said he didn't want any more.. He got off the bike and didn't want to ride again. I told him that I can't carry the bike and that he has to either push the bike or ride it but he didn't want either. He stayed calm and patient, just insisted that he wouldn't go and wouldn't push the bike because it's heavy (he could have managed to push it, it's not as heavy).
I told him (calmly) that we can't leave the bike here and we'll wait till he rides or pushes it home. Guess how long we stayed there.....

Hi Chocolatka, it must be horrible! Maternity is heavy duty, isn't it? Why they didn't tell me before I became a mother too :-D

Today we went by car to buy shoes for both children. It was too late so I didn't put my daughter shoes on, just took her on arms and went to the car. But she didn't want to get in. So I told her „Bye“, closed the door, started the car and still waited she change her mind. Finally I went away and made a little circle (she could not see me for a while) and get back for her. She was walking alone, just in socks and looked very confident :-) Her brother almost cried he didn't want to loose her … This is the proof for me, there isn‘t any way to force her to do something she doesn't want to. I hope I became a good negotiator till she is 5 or I’ll get crazy :-D

And could anyone of you tell me how to persuade her to brush her teeth or just let me to brush them? :-D

Hi mothers, I do not know, how to translate this title

The Husband to Mind the House…orksheet.php?…

To janaV and Chocolatka: Hi brave mothers, I could tell you… you know, the year has 365 days and maybe 350 of them are great, but…

I have read or heard somewhere that even a big man (200 kg)cannot make a little child do anything (if the child decide not to do something)

How many of you have got the book Respektovat a být respektován (at home) ? Maybe we could discuss some situation described in this book. I have borrowed this book in our library. It is interesting but I do not agree with everything.

Have a nice weekend!

Hi Fife,
The husband to mind the House = parodie na: Muž, hlava domu (The woman the heart of the family)

This Norwegian story in Czech:…e_hjemme.pdf

I bought R&R 2 years ago however I still every day learn to understand how to cope with those advices at easy. :-) This approach helped me a lot to trust (not only) children to do something as best as they can do and I believe we have less children´s qu­arrels. 8-)
The authors arrange discussion about this approach, you can read more interestant articles on…default.aspx

If you want to write me more I will be looking forward to it :-)

jarmi1 (and Chocolatka) you are such clever girls!
Thank you very much indeed. How can you know all that?


I wrote down notes when I was reading that book, but then I realized that maybe it would be better to buy the book??? (I am at the beginning of the book, I do not agree with everything but I admit, that it is helpful).
It is a little bit funny, because a lot of us want to speak English properly but maybe some of us (especially me – and I was taught how to speak!)have to learn how to speak Czech properly.

I think, that some ideas are good for parents and for teachers as well. For example:
I can hear that…
I can see that…
But I have a question mark – at the bottom of the page 38:

I think, that it is not bad to say : Open your textbook AT/TO page 32!

I remember that when I was speaking for example with my husband and I said something like: It is necessary to do this and that – my husband did not understand that actually I wanted to say something like – please, go and help me with that…
And then I was tauht that it is better to say : Please, go and do this and that…if you want to avoid misunderstanding.

To everybody : please, feel free to send me a PM if you do not want to discuss it on this forum. Thank you. I am really interested in it.

Fife, the most surprising thing for me was: Ask (not only) childern what they want to hear when you say what they should do. And: Imagine, you are a child you talk to, how do you want to hear that „order“ so that you like to do it. (e.g. see page 56) :-)

If you want to read about it in English there is some information:…l-Listen.pdf

I agree, there is nothing wrong with „Open your textbook AT/TO page 32!“ but if I hear „We will need English course book, there is an exercise at page 32“ I remember: „There is an exercise (I can do)“ instead of „Open textbook (there is something)“

I think the point is: I am the one (or you are the one) who do something in the way I (you) like to do.

Hi jarmi1 – Thank you for your response.

Hi everybody. Today only briefly.
Do you know the song Flowers are red by Harry Chapin?…

(vocabulary – SASSY :-) )

Hi Fife, my son is 6 and is going to school after holiday. This song exactly express why it makes me sad, because teachers also teach me that flowers are red……

Hi Baronessa : Don't Worry, Be Happy :-)

My children had (and still have) good teachers at school.
I mean – mostly.

Have you heard the song „ Cat's in the Cradle" by Harry Chapin?
Maybe this song is more sad than Flowers are red.
Fortunately, there are many great teachers in our schools and many great fathers in families.


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